Tip Realizatori Titlul articolui Secțiunea Pagina Limba
articol de periodic AKKAR, M. (autor) , NACIR, C. (autor) Sur le critere d'inversibilite dans l'algebre normee des endomorphismes continus d'un espace norme 713-724
articol de periodic BEZNEA, Lucian (autor) , BOBOC, Nicu (autor) On the integral representation for excessive measures 725-734
articol de periodic DĂNEȚ, Nicolae (autor) On the notion of ideal in a directed vector space 735-742
articol de periodic DURAND, M. (autor) , IFTIMIE, V. (autor) Une inegualite ponctuelle pour la resolvante d'un operator de Schrodinger avec un champ magnetique 743-749
articol de periodic GODINI, G. (autor) Normed almost linear spaces and best approximation 751-769
articol de periodic IKEDA, Satoshi (autor) On the theory of gravitational field in Finsler Spaces II 771-777
articol de periodic LEFEBVRE, Mario (autor) Construction de fonctions generatrices des moments d'instants de premier passage en deux dimensions 779-787
articol de periodic PEARCE, C.E.M. (autor) , PECARIC, J. (autor) Some theorems of Jensen type for generalized logarithmic means 789-795
articol de periodic POLISEVSKI, D. (autor) , SAINT, Jean-Paulin (autor) Homogenization of Stokes-Boussinesq flows in a quasiperiodic domain 797-808
articol de periodic CONSTANTINESCU, Tiberiu (autor) Topics in Hardy Spaces and Univalent Functions - Rosenblum M., Rovnyak J. 809-809
articol de periodic GHEONDEA, Aurelian (autor) A coincise Introduction to the Theory of Integration - Stook D.W. 810-810
articol de periodic GUSSI, Gheorghe (autor) Notions of Convexity - Hormander I. 810-811
articol de periodic STOICA, Lucrețiu (autor) Proceedings of the International Conference on Potential Theory - Bertin Emile 811-811
articol de periodic VÎRSAN, Constantin (autor) Schrodinger Equations and Diffusion Theory - Nagasawa Masao 811-811