Tip Realizatori Titlul articolui Secțiunea Pagina Limba
articol de periodic BANKOVIC, Dragic (autor) All reproductive general solutions of Postian equations 925-930
articol de periodic CRUPI, Marilena (autor) , IONESCU, Cristodor (autor) A note on derivations in rings of characteristic p>0 931-937
articol de periodic GABRIEL, Richard (autor) Three-message problem in a symmetric group with application to a cryptographic method 939-945
articol de periodic GERVILLE-REACHE, L. (autor) , NIKULIN, M.S. (autor) Analyse statistique du modele de Makeham 947-957
articol de periodic KOHR, Mirela (autor) A direct boundary integral formulation for a stokes flow problem 959-974
articol de periodic MACIAS-VIRGOS, E. (autor) , MARTIN, P. (autor) LL-foliations 975-981
articol de periodic PĂUN, Udrea (autor) Uniformly weakly ergodic classes 983-991
articol de periodic POPESCU, Cristina (autor) On a Gauss-Kuzmin problem for the &-continued fractions 993-1005
articol de periodic PREDA, Vasile (autor) , KOLLER, Eduard (autor) General mond-weir duality for multiobjective programming with generalized (f.p,0) convex set functions 1005-1018
articol de periodic TIBĂR, Mihai (autor) Sur la topologie des singularites de fonctions 1019-1029
articol de periodic VÎJÎITU, Marin (autor) , ZAHARESCU, Alexandru (autor) Exponential sums and their role in number theory (I) 1031-1045
articol de periodic ZBĂGANU, Gheorghiță (autor) On the existence of an optimal convering strategy 1047-1062