articol de periodic |
CASADO, Roberto (autor)
MICU, Octavian (autor)
SCARDIGLI, Fabio (autor)
Horizon wave-function: from particles to black holes |
923-934 |
articol de periodic |
JORA, Renata (autor)
About the mass corrections in an abelian higgs model |
935-942 |
articol de periodic |
COLLINS, Tishara (autor)
KARA, Abdul (autor)
BHRAWY, Ali (autor)
TRIKI, Houria (autor)
BISWAS, Anjan (autor)
Dynamics of shallow water waves with logarithmic nonlinearity |
943-961 |
articol de periodic |
CRISTESCU, I. (autor)
Finite element-homotopy analysis for nonlinear Poisson equation |
962-978 |
articol de periodic |
ENE, H. (autor)
TIMOFTE, C. (autor)
Homogenization results for a dynamic coupled thermoelasticity problem |
979-989 |
articol de periodic |
SABARI, S. (autor)
PORSEZIAN, K. (autor)
Study on the stabilization of attractive Bose-Einstein condensates using projection operator method |
990-1003 |
articol de periodic |
BUGOI, R. (autor)
POLL, I. (autor)
MĂNUCU-ADAMEȘTEANU, Gheorghe (autor)
Compositional analyses of Isaccea mosaic glass tesswrae (11th century AD) |
1004-1014 |
articol de periodic |
LAZANU, S. (autor)
LAZANU, I. (autor)
Model of energy echange through electron-phonon coupling during transient phenomena in materials for detectors |
1015-1023 |
articol de periodic |
GIUBEGA, G. (autor)
VIȘAN, I. (autor)
TUDORA, A. (autor)
Even-ODD effects in prompt emission in fission induced by the charge polarization |
1024-1934 |
articol de periodic |
GAUTAM, Manjeet (autor)
Evidence of entrance channel mass asymmetry effects in formation of 240-98Cf - nucleus and energy dependent woods-Saxon potential |
1035-1047 |
articol de periodic |
TUCA, C. (autor)
STOICHIOIU, A. (autor)
GURĂU, D. (autor)
Analysis of radionuclides inventory contained in liquid effluents resulted from decommissining of VVR -S nuclear research reactor |
1048-1059 |
articol de periodic |
RISTEA, C. (autor)
JIPA, A. (autor)
RISTEA, O. (autor)
LAZANU, I. (autor)
BEȘLIU, C. (autor)
EȘANU, T. (autor)
CĂLIN, M. (autor)
TUTURAȘ, N. (autor)
BABAN, V. (autor)
ARGINTARU, D. (autor)
Hydrodynamic flow and pfase transitions in relativistic nuclear collisons reflected by Hubble type fireball evolution |
1060-1068 |
articol de periodic |
BURSIK, J. (autor)
BURSIKOVA, V. (autor)
SOUCEK, P. (autor)
ZABRANSKY, L. (autor)
VASINA, P. (autor)
Nanostructured Mo-B-C coatings |
1069-1075 |
articol de periodic |
VLĂDOIU, R. (autor)
MANDES, A. (autor)
DINCA, V. (autor)
PRODAN, G. (autor)
CIUPINA, V. (autor)
Synthesis of reinforced magnesium embedded in carbon matrix by using thermionic vacuum arc (TVA) technology |
1076-1084 |
articol de periodic |
NECULAE, Adrian (autor)
BUNOIU, Mădălin (autor)
LUNGU, Antianeta (autor)
LUNGU, Mihai (autor)
Filtration of flue gas by retaining of nanoparticles in microfluidic devices using dielectrophoresis |
1085-1096 |
articol de periodic |
IOANID, A. (autor)
IFTIMIE, S. (autor)
ANTOHE (autor)
Influence of the Pedot-PSS layer on the performance of the photovoltaic devices |
1097-1107 |
articol de periodic |
MĂRĂSCU, V. (autor)
VIZIREANU, S. (autor)
STOICA, S.D. (autor)
BARNA, V. (autor)
DINESCU, G. (autor)
FTIR investigation of the ageing process of carbon nanowalls |
1108-1114 |
articol de periodic |
BADIȚĂ, C. (autor)
ARAGHEL, D. (autor)
RĂDULESCU, A. (autor)
ANITAS, E. (autor)
Investigation of multilevel structure of low viscosity sodium alginate by small-angle neutron scattering |
1115-1122 |
articol de periodic |
TĂNASE, Alina (autor)
DUMITRACHE, M. (autor)
FLOREA, O. (autor)
3D conformational interstitial brachytherapy planning for soft tissue sarcoma |
1123-1129 |
articol de periodic |
DUMITRACHE, M. (autor)
TĂNASE, Alina (autor)
Gamma dose distribution evaluation of XiO treatment planning system for static field IMRT, using AAPM TG-119 |
1130-1139 |
articol de periodic |
PETRUȘ, M. (autor)
BRATU, A. (autor)
Breath ammonia detection in patients with schizoprenia using laser photoacoustiv spectroscopy |
1140-1148 |
articol de periodic |
POPA, C. (autor)
ALBU, M. (autor)
BARTHA, C. (autor)
LUCULESCU, C. (autor)
TRUȘCĂ, R. (autor)
ANTOHE (autor)
Structural characterization and optical properties of hydroxyapatite/colagen matrix |
1149-1158 |
articol de periodic |
BACALUM, M. (autor)
ZORILĂ, B. (autor)
RADU, M. (autor)
Investigating the anticancer activity of some cationic antimicrobial peptides in epithelial tumior cells |
1159-1169 |
articol de periodic |
POPA, C. (autor)
CIOBANU, C. (autor)
Synthesis and characterization of fluorescent hydroxyapatite |
1170-1177 |
articol de periodic |
SCHIPOR, Sorina (autor)
VLĂDOIU, Suzana (autor)
BACIU, Ancuța (autor)
NICULESCU, Ana (autor)
CARAGHEOPOL, Andra (autor)
IANCU, Iulia (autor)
PLEȘA, Adriana (autor)
POPESCU, A. (autor)
MANDA, Dana (autor)
A comparative analysis of three methods used for RNA quantitation |
1178-1188 |
articol de periodic |
PASCU, R. (autor)
EPURESCU, G. (autor)
MOLDOVAN, A. (autor)
BIRJEGA, R. (autor)
LUCULESCU, C. (autor)
COLCEAG, D. (autor)
DINESCU, Maria (autor)
Optical and structural characterization of YSZ thin fuilms deposited by eximer laser ablation for planar potentiometric oxygen sensors applications |
1189-1196 |
articol de periodic |
POMPILIAN, O. (autor)
DINCA, P. (autor)
POROȘNICU, C. (autor)
LUNGU, C. (autor)
CHIRU, P. (autor)
BUTOI, B. (autor)
JEPU, I. (autor)
Study on UV-visible emission plasmas with applications in photodynaqmic therapy and surface treatment against biological contaminants |
1197-1207 |
articol de periodic |
PINTILIE, Violeta (autor)
ENE, Antoaneta (autor)
GEORGESCU, Lucian (autor)
MORARU, Luminița (autor)
ITICESCU, Catălina (autor)
Measurements of gross alpha and beta activity in drinking water from Galați region, Romania |
1208-1220 |
articol de periodic |
DULAMĂ, Ioana (autor)
CHELĂRESCU, Elena (autor)
DULIU, O. (autor)
Heavy metal contents Brassica oleracea as bioindicators determined by XRF and aas analytical methods |
1221-1226 |
articol de periodic |
BARBU, Nicu (autor)
ȘTEFAN, Sabina (autor)
GEORGESCU, Florinela (autor)
Selecting of spatial domain size for air circulation types oves Romania in connection to climatological parameters |
1227-1239 |
articol de periodic |
PLĂCINTĂ, A. (autor)
POPESCU, Emilia (autor)
BORLEANU, F. (autor)
RADULIAN, Mircea (autor)
POPA, M. (autor)
Analysis of source properties for the earthquake sequences in the south-western Carpathians (Romania) |
1240-1258 |
articol de periodic |
IANCU, Cristina (autor)
CHILOM, Claudia (autor)
Discovering photosynthesis by experiments |
1259-1269 |
articol de periodic |
CZIPROK, Claudia (autor)
MIRON, Cristina (autor)
POPESCU, F. (autor)
Simple experimentals for high school using a dispay interface and a system of coupled pendulums |
1270-1280 |
articol de periodic |
GRIGORE, I. (autor)
MIRON, Cristina (autor)
BARNA, E. (autor)
The study of the transient regime in electronic circuits with excel spreadsheets |
1281-1295 |
articol de periodic |
MARCIUC, Daly (autor)
MIRON, Cristina (autor)
BARBA, E. (autor)
Using geogebra software in the teaching of oscilatory motions |
1296-1311 |
articol de periodic |
OPREA, M. (autor)
MIRON, Cristina (autor)
Physics experiments based on the data acquisition the longitudinal acoustic doppler effect |
1312-1325 |
articol de periodic |
ȚURCANU, Daniel (autor)
NICOLA, Iulian (autor)
PRISECARU, Tudor (autor)
PREDOI, Cristian (autor)
The natural frequencies characteristics of a mechanical system using modal analysis |
1326-1332 |