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CHAPMAN, John (autor)
DUMITROAIA, Gheorghe (autor)
MONAH, Dan (autor)
WELLER, Olivier (autor)
L'exploitation du sel a travers le temps - Preface |
.7-12 |
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DUMITROAIA, Gheorghe (autor)
MONAH, Dan (autor)
Recherches sur l'exploitation prehistorique du sel en Roumanie |
13-34 |
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DUMITROAIA, Gheorghe (autor)
GARVĂN, Daniel (autor)
MUNTEANU, Roxana (autor)
NICOLA, Dorin (autor)
PREOTEASA, Constantin (autor)
Solca - Slatina Mare (Roumanie) preuves archeologiques de l'exploitation du sel en prehistoire |
35-56 |
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DUMITROAIA, Gheorghe (autor)
GĂRVAN, Daniel (autor)
MUNTEANU, Roxana (autor)
NICOLA, Dorin (autor)
PREOTEASA, Constantin (autor)
Cucuieți - Slatina Veche (Romania). Prehistoric exploitation of a salt resource |
57-70 |
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CHAPMAN, John (autor)
MONAH, Dan (autor)
A seasonal Cucuteni Occupation at Siliște - Prohozești, România |
71-88 |
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BODI, George (autor)
Experiments with salt crystallization |
89-97 |
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DUMITROAIA, Gheorghe (autor)
MONAH, Dan (autor)
NUNINGER, Laure (autor)
WELLER, Olivier (autor)
L'exploitation des sources salees de Moldavie: Un exemple de ressource structurante du territoire depuis le neolithiques |
99-113 |
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FIGULS, Alfons (autor)
GRANDIA, Fidel (autor)
WELLER, Olivier (autor)
Premiere carriere de sel gemme europeenne: Le Vall Salina a Cardona (Catalogne, Espagne) au Neolithique Moyen (4500-3500 BC). Technologie, mineralogie et patrographie de l'outillage lithique |
115-134 |
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ERDOGU, Burcin (autor)
OZBAȘARAN, Mihriban (autor)
White, pure, immaculate and incorruptible: salt prehistoric central Anatolia |
135-145 |
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CHAPMAN, John (autor)
GAYDARSKA, Bisserka (autor)
Salt Research in Bulgaria |
147-160 |
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MONTAGNARI KOKELJ, Emanuela (autor)
Salt and the Trieste Karst (North-Eastern Italy) in Prehistory: some considerations |
161-189 |
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HARDING, Anthony (autor)
Salt in Late Bronze Age Europe |
191-198 |
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ALEXIANU, Marius (autor)
MIRCEA, Magda (autor)
A Re-evaluation of salt resources for the Cucuteni-Tripolye Area |
199-219 |
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CARUSI, Cristina (autor)
Le commerce du sel dans l'antiquite grecque (Vie siecle av. J.C. II siecle apr. J.C.= |
221-233 |
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MOINIER, Bernard (autor)
Elements pour une geographie du sel dans l'antiquite |
235-258 |
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CURCĂ, Roxana-Gabriela (autor)
La halotherapie - Textes antiques et pratiques actuelles dans la Roumanie Orientale |
259-269 |
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RESTREPO MARTINEZ, Catalina (autor)
Les Salines continentales d'Antioquia - Colombie |
271-277 |
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ALEXIANU, Marius (autor)
DUMITROAIA, Gheorghe (autor)
MONAH, Dan (autor)
The exploitation of the salt-water sources in Moldavia: An Ethno-Archaeological Approach |
279-297 |
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ALEXIANU, Marius (autor)
WELLER, Olivier (autor)
Recherches ethnoarcheologiques sur le sel: Les enquetes de 2004 et les premiers resultats obtenus dans la zone de Poiana Slatinei a Lunca (Dep. Neamț, Roumanie9 |
299-318 |
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PORUCIUC, Adrian (autor)
Romanian Huscă ("Salt obtained by evaporation of Salt Water") Exploined as and old germanism |
319-324 |
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