O altă faţă a Veneţiei - Patrimoniul industrial, o privire istorico-artistică

  • Subiect: Another Face of Venice - Industrial Patrimony The paper follows a historical artistic itinerary through a less known Venice - the one of factories and industrial equipment - presences impossible to ignore in our chaotic world, forced to become aware of and solve the rehabilitation of some installations and structures that cannot be removed from everyday landscape. Şerban Savu presents his artistic vision of these spaces of our limes that reflect ourselves with such accuracy. Venice benefits of a remarkable and well conserved industrial heritage, consisting either in enterprises which moved to the laguna from the terra ferma, as Mulina Stucky which came from Treviso, either in factories which were bom in Venice, as Cotonificio Veneziano, presently headquarters of the architecture faculty. Industrial Venice had had in The Arsenal and Murano the anticipation of two real factory-towns, but also special manufacture objects as the Academy Bridge and the Scalzi Bridge from the Great Channel. Starting with the 19th century even the crafts became industrial products: steam machines instead of sails, vaporetti and motoscafi instead of gondolas. Meantime the idea of joining a vast residential area to the industrial pole was bom, and so the project of the so called Quartiere Urbano from Marghera appeared, which was designed by an autonomous section of The Technical Communal Office created in 1910, leaded by engineer Pietro Emilio Emmer and developed next the model of the garden city. The paper also presents other emblematic constructions of industrial Venice.
  • Limba de redactare: română
  • Secţiunea: Patrimoniu
  • Vezi publicația: Revista Muzeelor: RM
  • Editura: Centrul pentru Formare, Educare Permanentă şi Management în Domeniul Culturii
  • Loc publicare: Bucureşti
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2005
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: nr. în TOM: 1; anul 2005
  • Paginaţia: 57-65
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