Economic Relationships Between Polis and Chora. Case Study from Albeşti .

  • TITLU în română: Relaţiile economice dintre Polis şi Chora. Studiu de caz de la Albeşti
  • Subiect: This paper brings forth the !atest literary, epigraphical and archaeological information regarding the rural territory of Callatis during the period of autonomy. We discuss ancient topographic nomenclature, archaeological sites of interest and the Greek character and function of the fortified site of Albesti. The economic relationships between the polis and the chora are analyzed from the point of view of amphorae imports from centers with relevant representations at Callatis such as: Heraklea Pontica, Thasos, Sinope and Rhodos. Pottery typology and onomastic help in establishing the involvement of the colony in the diffusion of products. Chronological disparities between Callatis and its territory could be an indication ofthe colony's politica! and economic situation at a specific date in time and could reflect the degree of interdependence between the city and its chora.
  • Limba de redactare: englez
  • Vezi publicația: Litua - Studii şi Cercetări
  • Editura: lstros a Muzeului Brăilei „Carol I"
  • Loc publicare: Tărgu Jiu -Brăila
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2019
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: XXI; anul 2019; subtitlu: Border guards of the passes, from the fortresses and the graves: the Bronze and Iron Ages. Proceedings of the 17th international colloquium of funerary archaeology, Târgu Jiu, Gorj County (Romania), 4th-7th October 2018
  • Paginaţia: 71-84
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