Bucharest's Position during the Rationing Period. Management of Food Supply in the Romanian People's Republic (1948-1954)

  • TITLU în română: Poziţia Bucureştiului în anii aprovizionării raţionalizate. Gestiunea resurselor alimentare în R.P.R. (1948-1954)
  • Subiect: This article aims to analyze the way in which Romanian authorities managed to cape with the food shortages and how efficient was the rationalization system established during postwar years. Another aim of the article is to question to role played by the capital city, Bucharest, regarding the fairness of the allocation of resources. Why Bucharest received more and which were the mechanisms that allowed this drain of resources towards Bucharest? Even though in Bucharest the situation of food supply and con.rnmption were al higher levels comparing with other cities, the everyday struggle for more groceries or better food cards shows that allocation of food resources wasn't enough and the gap between what the authorities were able to provide and the real demand of the citizenry was significant. ln this context, we could say that in the first years of the communist regime in Romania the main issue regarding the distribution offood resources was how to manage shortages. Gradually, in the mid-1950s some political decisions made space for a more flexible policy regarding consumption and a slowdown of industrial investments.
  • Limba de redactare: română, engleză
  • Secţiunea: Societatea românească în ,,Epoca Gheorghiu-Dej" (1948-1965). Limitele totalitarismului
  • Vezi publicația: Studii şi Articole de Istorie: SAI
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2015
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: 82; anul 2015
  • Paginaţia: 39-60
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