- Subiect: From the (imaginary) dialog with Olga Greceanu, we find out that the painter was born on august 4/17 1890 at Namaiesti Monastery (Campulung). Her name was Olga Skrzeszewski. She begins her studies in Bucharest (Pompilian Institutes and Sesevski), and she continued them at the Faculty of Chemistry and the Academy of Art in Liege (interrupted during the First World War) and repeated in 1919. In 1914 she married with the politehnist student Nicholas Greceanu. He proceeds from a well-known family of nobleman from Oltenia. The meeting with Olga Greceanu is caused by her painting "Madonna with Child" from the Museum "Ion Minulescu - Claudia Millian", Bucharest, coordinated by the National Museum of Romanian Literature. On its cymas and its neighbors too - Liviu Rebreanu and Pillat - located in the same building, at the same level (Ph.D. Gh.Marinescu Blvd, No 19), we find out the signatures of Olga Greceanu congeners. In a way or another, she was very close by Cecilia Cutescu Stork, Nina Arbore, Lucia Demetriade Balacescu, Rodica Maniu, Niculina Delavrancea-Dona, Maria Pillat-Brateş, J. Al. Steriadi, M. H. Maxy, Claudia Millian, Milita Petrascu, and others. It is well-known that during the interwar period, Olga Greceanu’s name was as well known as those of Cecilia Cutescu Stork and Milita Petrascu, and Peter Comarnescu resembled her with Văcărescu and Marta Elena Bibescu. His works were present on all galleries of Bucharest. The brush will go hand in hand with the penholder. We found the results between the covers of her works published during his lifetime and posthumously. The sufferings caused by the communist regime weren't small. On November 16, 1978, she died, resting in Bellu Cemetery, where she had made the chapels of the families from Bucharest. We say goodbye to Olga Greceanu with pious reverence, addressed to the person who gave us a model of trust, of hope, and, above all, of faith. And we should be learn something: "My frescoes were made with lime, but the clay washed. Not now when I’m alive (I have 77 years) yet, but after that I will die it will stop all jealousies and meanness."
- Limba de redactare: română
- Vezi publicația: Acta Musei Tutovensis: ActaMT
- Editura: Demiurg
- Loc publicare: Bârlad
- Anul publicaţiei: 2012
- Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: VII; anul 2012
- Paginaţia: 191-195
- Navigare în nr. revistă: |< < 13 / 23 > >|
- Realizatori:  LUPEȘ, Corneliu (autor)
- Descriptori:  biografie (concept), scriitoare (ocupaţie), neobizantinism (Curent artistic), pictoriţă (ocupaţie), Olga Greceanu (artist român), Olga Skrzeszewski (artist român)