Restaurarea lucrării „Decret dat de către domnitorul Grigore Alexandru Ghica privind înălţarea la rang de stolnic a medelnicerului Ghiţă Aleva” / The Restoration of the Work “Decree Given by the Ruler Grigore Alexandru Ghica regarding the Promotion of the Medelnicer Ghiţă Aleva to the Rank of Stolnic”

  • Subiect: The decree given by Grigore Alexandru Ghica, lord of Moldavia, (1849 - 1853 and 1854 - 1856), regarding the granting of the rank of stolnic” to the medelnicer” Gheorghe (Ghiţă) Alevra is an original document, written in the Cyrillic alphabet. It displays the coat of arms of the Principality of Moldova, the stamped royal seal and the holographic signature of the ruler. It was printed at Tipografia Buciumului Roman. Owners: T. KODRESCO and D. GUSTI”. The decree is framed by a border with various floral and geometric motifs. In establishing the conservation and restoration treatments of the documents, an important stage is the identification of the constituent materials, of the causes and forms of degradation to which they were subjected, based on physico-chemical investigations, done in the laboratory. The factors that contribute to the deterioration of the paper items are internal degradation factors (the materials and technology used in the manufacture of paper) and external degradation factors (light, temperature, relative humidity, biological agents: fungi, bacteria, insects, humans).
  • Limba de redactare: română
  • Secţiunea: Patrimoniu / Patrimony
  • Vezi publicația: Danubius
  • Editura: Muzeul de Istorie „Paul Păltănea” - GALAŢI
  • Loc publicare: Galati
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2023
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: 40; anul 2023
  • Paginaţia: 407-420
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