Noi dovezi ale culturii Sântana de Mureş în sudul Moldovei. Necropola din Tecuci - punctul „Grădina lui Tiron / New Evidence of the Sântana de Mureş Culture in Southern Moldova. the Necropolis of Tecuci – the Point ”Grădina lui Tiron”

  • Subiect: In Tecuci, in 1970, a necropolis was discovered, following some excavations for the foundation of the blocks that were built on Gheorghe Petrascu street, in the point called “Grădina lui Tiron”, where ten graves were unearthed. In addition to these, in 1977 and 1999, two more graves were discovered during the construction of some civil works. The necropolis, of the Sântana de Mures-Cerneachov type, presents a simple stratigraphy, the level of residence from the IV century BC, being the only old level. The orientation of the skeletons was around N-S axis, and the deviation can be attributed to the time of day when the burial was made. The funerary inventory from the Tecuci necropolis, “Grădina lui Tiron” point, totals a number of 99 objects, which can be grouped into the following categories: clothing accessories: decorative objects: household objects; glass containers and clay containers. The necropolis of Tecuci, the point, “Grădina lui Tiron”, joins the others discovered so far. through the inventory and the burial rite, The 13 tombs are part of a larger necropolis that is under the current houses of the city of Tecuci and which no longer can be researched. Through the six fibulae, the only dating elements, we can consider that it belonged to a community that lived in the 4th century BC.
  • Limba de redactare: română
  • Secţiunea: Arheologie / Archaeology
  • Vezi publicația: Danubius
  • Editura: Muzeul de Istorie „Paul Păltănea” - GALAŢI
  • Loc publicare: Galati
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2023
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: 40; anul 2023
  • Paginaţia: 7-37
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