Noi cercetări arheologice pe Valea Caşinului. Fortificaţiile de la Sînzieni Cece, jud. Covasna / New archaeological research on Caşin Valley. The fortifications at Sînzieni Cece, Covasna County

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  • Subiect: This is a report on our latest field surveys made during 2020 in Sînzieni Cece, a hilltop site with traces of Middle Bronze Age and Late Iron Age materials, located in the mountainous and heavily forested northern sector of Târgu Secuiesc Depression, in south-eastern Transylvania. Following the footsteps of previous site excavator, Zoltan Székely, who worked in the area 45 years ago, we aimed to restart investigations in a fortification proclaimed to have had its last occupation level and corresponding enclosing stone walls dated to Late Iron Age. This would be a rare situation for the Dacian hillforts of south-eastern Transylvania which had been regularly reused during Medieval period. After managing to identify the site location, uncounted for in RAN, we documented the microrelief morphology with the help of a mobile LiDAR sensor, proposing the first accurate plan of the fortification elements which included three lines of stone walls with at least two corresponding ditches. We conducted, as well, a geophysical investigation of the main plateau using the magnetic method. The most important result of this survey was the identification of a highly magnetic anomaly encircling the site underneath the stone wall (more precisely around its interior side). By clearing one of Székely’s old trenches in the area where it had reached the wall, we managed to collect a charcoal sample corresponding with this magnetic anomaly. The radiocarbon date falls within the 1st century AD (95% probability). For the moment, we interpret it as an initial rampart built with a burnt soil core, which also incorporated some older Bronze Age materials. The date of the stone wall has to be thus more recent, however we cannot exactly establish when. A radiocarbon dating for the binding (lime) will be attempted in the future. The site is important because, for both occupation phases attested on the plateau (Late Iron Age, Middle Bronze Age), corresponding features were identified by Székely on a terrace at the bottom of the hill also, a situation which implies a more extended human presence in the area and a coordinated use of the landscape. In what regards the general geographic position, this fortification should be related with the mountain border roads which connected the south-eastern Transylvanian Depressions, Ciuc and Târgu Secuiesc, with Moldavia, through the smaller plateaus Cărpineni and Caşin.
  • Limba de redactare: română
  • Secţiunea: STUDII ŞI CERCETĂRI DE ARHEOLOGIE / Archaeological Studies and Researches
  • Vezi publicația: Angustia
  • Editura: Angustia
  • Loc publicare: Sfântu Gheorghe
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2021
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: 25; anul 2021
  • Paginaţia: 75-104
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