Aspecte ale unei aşezări aparţinând culturii ceramicii liniare cu note muzicale de lângă Olteni (Transilvania) / Aspects of a Bandkeramik settlement near Olteni in Transylvania

  • DOI - digital object identifier:
  • Subiect: Excavations in the Bandkeramik settlement of Olteni, located on the right bank of the Olt River in Transylvania, brought to light the fragmented remains of at least two ground plans of longhouses from the Early Neolithic. These are the first convincing evidence of those structures in Romania. The site can be dated to a later Notenkopf-Phase, and several sieves were discovered among the pottery remains. In addition, the investigations revealed several fragments of anthropomorphic and zoomorphic representations. The torso of a presumed pregnant woman deserves special attention.
  • Secţiunea: STUDII ŞI CERCETĂRI DE ARHEOLOGIE (Archaeological studies and researches)
  • Vezi publicația: Angustia
  • Editura: ANGVSTIA
  • Loc publicare: Sfântu Gheorghe
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2000
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: 24; anul 2000
  • Paginaţia: 22
  • Pagina: 9
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