Some considerations related to the interpretation of symbols from a cultural, historical and anthropological perspective, as well as the significance of the neo-Eneolithic artifacts from Oltenia

  • Subiect: The approach of a theme that considers the religious phenomenon in prehistory implies, firstly, the adoption of a specific methodology, which allows a better understanding of it, provided the reconstruction of its structure is hampered by “the opacity of the archaeological document”. Neo-Eneolithic anthropomorphic representations are covered with a multitude of symbols and signs that amaze, impress, intrigue. The study of these artifacts, and their symbolism, are extremely important to understand the reality of antiquity, taking into account their presence in various cultic rituals. Sculptural representations with human images appear under various designations: anthropomorphic figurines, idols, statuettes, three-dimensional miniature anthropomorphic representations. Recent studies also include anthropocentrism, conditioned collateral by human - animal hybridism, new ideas regarding the cult of the Mother Goddess, such as matrifocal, matristic, matricentric3, as well as the semiotic matrix unit that has the role of deciphering the signs of anthropomorphic idols4. Both the religious ceremonial and the mythical imaginary have complex connotations regarding the spirituality of the Neo-Eneolithic populations.
  • Vezi publicația: TERRA ALVTANA (Terra Alutana) - Acta Mvsei Alvtensis
  • Editura: mega
  • Loc publicare: Cluj-Napoca
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2023
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: 1; anul 2023; subtitlu: Profesorului şi arheologului PETRE GHERGHE la 75 de ani
  • Paginaţia: 145-164
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