- Subiect: The idea of an open-air museum specialized in Romanian folk technology was established in 1897. Partly it was achieved by the Transylvanian Association for Romanian Literature and Culture of the Romanian People (ASTRA), founded în 1861. Later, în 1940 the museum was projected în "Dumbrava Forest" - Sibiu and it was achieved and named "Museum of Folk Technology" in 1963. The museum was planned as a thematic museum with 4 sectors. Its patrimony was made up of folk technology monuments. ln time the museum developed and obviously it had to change its profile from ethnographical one into anthropological and cultural one. It became a museum of Traditional Folk Civilization ( 1990) and the name "ASTRA" was added in 1992. In the years of 90 s the museum developed into a museum complex with an open-air exhibition, a permanent thematic exhibition, additional audio - visual facilities (ASTRA Film Studio), public relations and cultural marketing, a department of ethnographical documentation, a lab of conservation and restoration. As a result of a new concept in projecting and organizing the open- air museum, namely from an interdisciplinar) perspective, it's patrimony was diversified. The ecological character was amplified and its functions were focused on: conservation, training, documentation, science, education and tourism -entertainment.
- Limba de redactare: română
- Secţiunea: De la Muzeul Tehnicii Populare la Muzeul Civilizaţiei Populare Tradiţionale „ASTRA”: perspective fenomenologice de optimizarea proiectelor tematice şi de reprezentare monumentală şi obiectuală în expoziţiile în aer liber şi pavilionare
- Vezi publicația: Cibinium
- Editura: ASTRA Museum
- Loc publicare: Sibiu
- Anul publicaţiei: 2000
- Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: anul 2000; seria 1990-2000
- Paginaţia: 23-44
- Navigare în nr. revistă: |< < 5 / 41 > >|