Unele aspecte cu privire la starea generală administrativă culturală şi învăşămîntului în Sălaj la sfîrşitul anilor '30

  • Subiect: Some Aspects Concerning the Situation in the Sălaj County in the 1930's The paper discusses two important aspects from the life of this county in the 30s': Administration. In 1938 there were 10 districts comprising 284 rural communes and 3 urban communes. In 1939 there existed 2862 private enterprises: 362 Romanian, 1931 Jewish, 783 Hungarian, 199 German and 17 mixed ones. There also existed 122 social firms (collective societies). There were special boarding schools where apprentices were trained for various jobs. Such a boarding school existed in Zalău with 20 pupils and one in Simleu Silvaniei. Other such schools were planned for Carei, Tăşnad, Valea lui Mihai, Jibou, Crasna and Cehu Silvaniei and there were attempts to enlarge those from Zalău and Şimleu Silvaniei as there was a great need for apprentices of Romanian nationality. The county had 350.000 inhabitants. There were three general practitioners in Zalău, Carei and Şimleu Silvaniei. The region possessed 26 rural dispensaries, 3 hospitals with 9 doctors, 156 official midwives, 128 midwives without training and 19 sanitary agents. There was a bitter fight between the existing political parties. On the l0th February 1938 King Carol II ordered that all political parties should be dissolved for the salvation of the country. The need of a regime of great authority and prestige was badly felt. 2. Education. a. State schools gained an ever increasing confidence of the population. There were 3000 primary schools with 737 school teachers, 46 nursery schools with 53 nursery school teachers, 4 centers of household economy with 10 specialists. The started the organization of primary schools on new principles. The staff in this schools was selected through competitive examinations. Guidance and control were exercised with much seriosity. b. confessional education was practiced in 98 schools with 186 school teachers. In some of this schools there existed chauvinistic manifestations. c. concerning the secondary schools mention is made of such schools for boys, two of them functioning in Carei and Şimleu Silvaniei and one from Zalău being incomplete, as it had only seven forms. There also were teacher training schools one for boys’ in Carei and one for nursery school teachers (for girls) in Şimleu Silvaniei. As a consequence of the reorganizing measures only the secondary school for boys’ în Şimleu Silvaniei survived, those from Carei and Zalău were changed into middle schools. The teacher training school for girls from Carei and the one for nursery school teachers from Şimleu Silvaniei were dissolved. Later there were claims from the prefect’s office for the reestablishing of the secondary school for boys at Zalău and for a teacher training school both for boys and girls in any of the urban communes of the county. d. The guidance and control works was much improved. On the 11-14 of January 1939 the general school inspector A. Pora and the reviser Pupăza V. checked fifteen schools. They inspected 43 primary school teachers and two nursery school teachers. This inspection revealed positive aspects of the work at school. The foresights of the new analytical school program were being applied în practice. But there still was a large number of Romanian children attending Hungarian schools and their transfer to Romanian schools constituted an important task to achieve. The paper also comments upon opinions of various school inspectors and other leading personalities of the respective period opinions that were published in a school review called „Our School".
  • Limba de redactare: română
  • Secţiunea: Istorie contemporană
  • Vezi publicația: Acta Musei Porolissensis: ActaMP
  • Editura: Muzeul Judeţean de Istorie şi Artă din Zalău
  • Loc publicare: Zalău
  • Anul publicaţiei: 1994
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: XVIII; anul 1994; subtitlu: Anuarul Muzeului Judeţean de Istorie şi Artă din Zalău
  • Paginaţia: 369-377
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