Societatea română de lectură din Deva şi Casina Naţională Deva. Repere istorice

  • Subiect: At the beginning of 1868, a group of Romanian intellectuals headed by lawyer Lazăr Petco founded the Romanian Reading Society of Deva. According to its regulations, the purpose of this society was reading in mother tongue, the improvement of literature as well as social entertainment and setting up a library. The Romanian Reading Society of Deva was founded as a reaction to the Hungarian Casina of Deva, which had been established ever since 1842 and excluded the Romanians from its activities. After 1918, the Hungarian Casina of Deva ceased to exist following the dissolution of the board of directors. The National Casina of Deva, established on the basis of statutory regulations of 1923, aimed to organize leisure activities, arranging shows, parties, meetings and debates on various topics.
  • Limba de redactare: română, engleză
  • Secţiunea: Istorie. Studii şi articole
  • Vezi publicația: Sargetia. Acta Musei Devensis
  • Editura: Colofon Print
  • Loc publicare: Deva
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2014
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: V; anul 2014; subtitlu: Acta Musei Devensis; seria nouă
  • Paginaţia: 257-263
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