Politica externă a Republicii Moldova (1991-2009)

  • Subiect: After the Independence (1991) the Republic of Moldova had a very complicated foreign policy and that depend by special relation with Russia as member in the Commonwealth of Independent States. Republic of Moldova is part too of GUUAM (Georgia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan and Moldova). GUUAM was formally founded as a political, economic and strategic alliance designed to strengthen the independence and sovereignty of these former Soviet Union republics. Secondly, the relation with Romania are complicated, because Romania is in the first time the “big unionist brother” and this special relationship between this two Romanian countries is symbolized by the notorious “Bridges of Flowers” from the beginning of 90s. In the Voronin administration (2001-2009) Romania become in the vision of Chişinău a hostile neighbour. Currently, the most important long term target of the foreign policy of the Moldavian state is the Euro-Atlantic integration but this has been a forlorn hope for Moldova so far (according to the official documents of the EASTERN PARTNERSHIP - a political project which was initiated by the European Union (EU) in May 2009).
  • Limba de redactare: română, engleză
  • Secţiunea: Istorie
  • Vezi publicația: Buridava - Studii şi Materiale: Buridava
  • Editura: Offsetcolor
  • Loc publicare: Râmnicu Vâlcea
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2010
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: VIII; anul 2010
  • Paginaţia: 277-286
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