Insurecţia română din august 1944 în noi documente străine

  • Subiect: We are starting from our research in American archives mainly insisting on the information coming from the F. D. Roosevelt Library (Hyde Park, New York), an archive wich is supplied with a very rich fund of documents concerning World War II. We are having in view the information extracted from the syntheses made by two of the best-known and efficient intelligence services - the Joint Intelligence Committee ( JIC) and the Office of Naval Intelligence ( ONI ). The two intelligence services kept an eye on the events in Romania and the East front as early as August 23rd 1944, let ting the American President know the details referring to the development of the insurrection and the military operations in the East, which influenced each other, the significance of Romania's turn in World War II. So, a synthesis from August 23rd 1944 showed that Romania's retreat from the Axis caused "a serious defeat of the Germans", whils the United Nations thus achieved great military and political "advantages". At the same time it was shown in a synthesis on August 30th 1944 of the ONI that Germany way dealt a profound blow owing to the loss of the Romanian oil, a resource of "greatest importance" for the Axis in the last stage of World War II. The American documents we have seen induced us to conclude that the image of the Roosevelt Administration of the events in Romania in August 1944 was quite faithful, which was also stressed upon by the American press of the time.
  • Limba de redactare: română (şi un rezumat în engleză)
  • Secţiunea: Istorie
  • Vezi publicația: Acta Moldaviae Meridionalis: ActaMM
  • Editura: Muzeul Judeţean Vaslui
  • Loc publicare: Vaslui
  • Anul publicaţiei: 1982
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: III-IV; anul 1982
  • Paginaţia: 169-174
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