Evoluţia muzeelor şi preocupărilor muzeistice până la Primul Război Mondial

  • Subiect: The evolution of museums and museum preoccupations from Moldova until World War I The work "The evolution of museums and museum preoccupation from Moldova until World War!" is a synthesis of the history of 24 museums from Moldova, an ancient Rornanian land, in a time when national manifestation played an important role here, with suffered because of the Ottoman, Hapsburg an Russian rule, and even had territorial losses (Bucovina in 1775 seized by the Hapsburg Empire, Bessarabia in 1812 seized by the Russian Empire.) Brown Good appreciated that "the cultural status of people is to be seen from the state of its museums", which is also the motto of this original synth sis, integrating the two historic Romanian provinces: Bessarabia and Bukovina, with a winder scientific research area of the problem, bringing new elements concerning the evolution of institutions and museums preoccupations in Moldova, from historic, respectively geographic point of view. Specialty magazines published articles on the evolution and activity of some museums from Moldova (The Museums Magazine, Historic Research, Art and Archaeology, Suceava-Year book of the country museum, Danube 's, The Archives Magazine, Ion Neculce, Miron Costin). Although we can speak of some interest in publishing and editing some research about the activity of museums in Moldova in specialty magazines, this was only marginal (on a regional scale, on a narrow area 9 the activity of a museum or country). In the XIXth and early XXth century Moldova there was an intense collection and capitalizing activity of cultural goods, because of the national awareness movement. The museum proves to be a modern institution, capable of fulfilling an assembly of scientific and cultural-education functions with 2 complex content, having a remarkable scientific activity by its preoccupation of exhibiting museum items, classifying genders, preserving them , offering a pellicle image of the area of human life. In the process of rational affirmation , the first museum preoccupations appeared, as well institutions of the kind, in order to gather and capitalize on past vestiges and contemporary achievements. During this period the first laws for protecting the national patrimony and monuments appeared. In 1874 it was established and architect-archaeological committee "Public Monuments Committee" In 1892 the Parliament promulgated "the law for the preserving and restoring of public monuments and in 1913 the law for preserving and restoring of history monuments " The modern age of Romanian museography in Moldova had a great deal of interest for collecting, preserving and exhibiting museum items, even if heterogeneous character of collections prevailed and there were not absolute scientific criteria of collecting. The emphasis was on protecting past vestiges, no matter the age or importance. Despite financial problems, there are attempts to organise museums and action directions. Unfortunately, the museistic movement is not a state policy, being more of a private affair, which led to great difficulties when getting funds, furniture and buildings. That is why up until World War I, there were many areas from Moldova without museistic achievements (Bacău, Neamţ, Vaslui, Vrancea, Tecuci.). Some museums of the time disappear after the death of their founders (Anastasie Fătu, Ion Suruceanu, Natalia Sicard) but most of them cease activity during the years of reorganising their collections later. Museum institution became a necessity along time, a living entity in education, science etc But , as the great muse graph and historian Nicolae Iorga considered the museum as a cultural and scientific institution, called upon to motivate by its patrimony the multimilenar existence of the Romanian people, "it is not a luxury , but a necessity ".
  • Limba de redactare: română
  • Secţiunea: Cercetări interdisciplinare şi istoria culturii
  • Vezi publicația: Acta Moldaviae Meridionalis: ActaMM
  • Editura: Muzeul Judeţean Vaslui
  • Loc publicare: Vaslui
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2006
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: XXV-XXVII; nr. în TOM: II; anul 2006
  • Paginaţia: 11-53
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