Un dascăl de valoare, institutor Zulina Isăcescu

  • Subiect: A most valuable teacher schoolmaster Zulina Isăcescu Endowed with an outstanding culture, the schoolmaster Zulina Isăcescu had an intensely educational, pedagogical, cultural and social activity at the end of the XIX Century and the turn of the XX Century. Born in Botoşani in 1860, she died in Piatra Neamţ in May 1918. Teacher, at first, the school Principal at the "Mihai Eminescu" No. 1 School for Girls in Piatra Neamţ, she participated at all the important events that took place during her time. She met, she collaborated with and she was appreciated for her didactic work, by all the personalities of her time: A.D. Xenopol, I.L. Caragiale, V.A. Urechia, Spiru Haret, Take Ionescu, Gh. Panu. She remains an educational model strongly anchored in reality.
  • Limba de redactare: română
  • Secţiunea: Cercetări interdisciplinare şi istoria culturii
  • Vezi publicația: Acta Moldaviae Meridionalis: ActaMM
  • Editura: Muzeul Judeţean Vaslui
  • Loc publicare: Vaslui
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2006
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: XXV-XXVII; nr. în TOM: II; anul 2006
  • Paginaţia: 306-310
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