volum de carte |
2002 |
Optica, , anul 2002 |
PLOSCEANU, Carmina (autor) |
volum de carte |
1999 |
Optică: culegere de probleme, , anul 1999 |
PLOSCEANU, Carmina (autor), IORGA, Bogdan (autor), GUGHEA, Gabriela (autor) |
articol de periodic |
1995 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 40-2-3 |
PLOSCEANU, Carmina (autor)
Studies on the spectral and temperature dependence of the optical birefringence of the nematic liguid crystal 4-cynophenyl-4'-pentyl benzoate |
331-338 |
articol de periodic |
1995 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 40-2-3 |
PLOSCEANU, Carmina (autor)
BACIU, Ion (autor)
HONCIUC, Maria (autor)
POPOVICI, Maria-Ana (autor)
Some features of the optical detection of the liquid crystal mixtures phase transitions |
339-345 |
articol de periodic |
1995 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 40-8-9 |
PLOSCEANU, Carmina (autor)
HILLEBRAND, Mihaela (autor)
BENDIC, Mirel (autor)
SCRIDONESI, Valer (autor)
Mo calculations and spectroscopic studies on the oriented azodyes |
905-911 |
articol de periodic |
1997 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 42-5-6 |
PLOSCEANU, Carmina (autor)
POPOVICI, Maria (autor)
DUCA, Mariana (autor)
Order parameters of azodyes derived from cumylphemol dissolved in nematic liguid crystal |
401-407 |