Lista completă a publicaţiilor

Tip Realizatori Titlul articolui Secțiunea Pagina Limba
articol de periodic IOSIFESCU, Marius (autor) An anniversary: 25 years since the foundation of the centre of mathematical statistics 443-444
articol de periodic BALLY, Vlad (autor) Differentiability with respect to a real parameter for the solutions of a class of non-Markov stochastic equations 445-454
articol de periodic BUICULESCU, Mioara (autor) Ergodic properties of landa - recurrent Markov processes 455-460
articol de periodic CUCULESCU, I. (autor) Constructions involving Markov processes with time set (0, )(II) 461-472
articol de periodic DRAGOMIRESCU, Mihai (autor) Extensions of Jensen's inequality (I) 473-480
articol de periodic GRIGORESCU, Șerban (autor) , POPESCU, G. (autor) Random systems with complete connections as a framework for fractalas 481-489
articol de periodic IOSIFESCU, Marius (autor) On mixing coefficient for the continued fraction expansion 491-499
articol de periodic OPRIȘAN, Gheorghe (autor) , POPESCU, Gheorghe (autor) The Renewal equation for Renewal processes with complete connections 501-506
articol de periodic POSTELNICU, Tiberiu (autor) The aggregation problem in imput-output 507-511
articol de periodic RĂUȚU, Gheorghe (autor) , ZBĂGANU, Gheorghe (autor) Some Banach algebras of functions of Bounded variation 513-519
articol de periodic STOICA, L. (autor) Brownian oscilations near the boundary of a hypersurface 521-538
articol de periodic TUDOR, Constantin (autor) Stochastic convolutions in Hilbert spaces 539-351