articol de periodic |
BACALOGLU, Radu (autor)
KORODI, T. (autor)
Nucleophile substritutionen an kohlensautrderivaten. XIV. |
933-945 |
articol de periodic |
BĂDILESCU, Simona (autor)
MANU, Lidia (autor)
BALABAN, Alexandru (autor)
Molecular complexes with aromatic cations as electron-acceptors. IV. Chasnge-transfer spectra of pyrylium 2-aza-1,1,3,3,-tetracyanopropenides |
947-955 |
articol de periodic |
BANCIU, Mircea (autor)
PHAN-LE-THUY (autor)
STĂNESCU, Ligia (autor)
Carbenium ion reactions. XVI. Acetolysis of 9-tosyloxymethyl-9-10-dihydrophenanthrene and of 6-tosyloxy-5H-6,7-dihydrodibenzo (a,c)cycloheptene |
957-965 |
articol de periodic |
BREZEANU, Maria (autor)
JITARU, Ioana (autor)
Cobalt polynuclear complex compunds with 3-amino-1-propanol |
967-978 |
articol de periodic |
CHIFU, Emil (autor)
TOMOAIA-COTIȘEL, Maria (autor)
Insoluble monolayers of lecithin and carotenoid pigments |
978-986 |
articol de periodic |
CORNEA, Felicia (autor)
ZĂLARU, Florica (autor)
TURCU, Avea (autor)
GHEORGHIU, Constanța (autor)
Contributions to the chemistry of thiobenzamide and some of its derivatives |
987-993 |
articol de periodic |
ENESCU, Lucian (autor)
DINULESCU, I. (autor)
AVRAM, Margareta (autor)
A new benzo(CH)10 nenitzescu+s hydrocarbon: benzo©tricyclo(,7,9-triene |
995-998 |
articol de periodic |
ENESCU, Lucian (autor)
PRASAD, H. (autor)
DINULESCU, I. (autor)
GHENCIULESCU, Aurelia (autor)
CHIRALEU, F. (autor)
AVRAM, Margareta (autor)
Rearrangement of exo-benzocyclobutenolrbornene expoxide in acidic media |
999-1004 |
articol de periodic |
GHEORGHIU, Mircea (autor)
PÎRVULESCU, Luminița (autor)
DRĂGHICI, Constantin (autor)
Cycloaddition of dibromocarbene and dichlorocarbene generated via makosza reaction and of t-butylcyanoketene to 1,4-methano-naphthalene-1,4-dihydro-9-(1-methylethylidene) |
1005-1012 |
articol de periodic |
GLANTZ, Alice (autor)
RĂZUȘ, A. (autor)
DRĂGUȚAN, V. (autor)
AEVAY, Z. (autor)
Aluminium chloride catalyzed reactions of unsaturated compounds with benzene. XIII |
1013-1020 |
articol de periodic |
LANDAUER, Ortansa (autor)
COSTEANU, G. (autor)
MATEESCU, Cornelia (autor)
Sur la viscosite des systemes mixtes: sulfolane-eau, sulfolane-dioxanne, monoethyleneglycol-dioxanne et diethyleneglycol-dioxanne |
1021-1026 |
articol de periodic |
LANGFELD, H. (autor)
Die trennwirkung der zentralen gruppe -So2NH - in n-phenylbenzolsulfonamiden und in von diesen abgeleiteten farbstoffen. I |
1027-1038 |
articol de periodic |
MACAROVICI, Constantin (autor)
BARBU, Silvia (autor)
Complexes metalliques de vanilline-thiocarbohydrazone |
1039-1048 |
articol de periodic |
MARCU, Gheorghe (autor)
CIOGOLAȘ, I. (autor)
Darstellung und charakterisierung der RH(III)-heteropolywolframate |
1049-1052 |
articol de periodic |
PETROVANU, Magda (autor)
LUCHIAN, Cristina (autor)
SURUPĂȚEANU, Gheorghe (autor)
1,2,4-triazolium-ylures. II. Regioselectivite de la cycloaddition 3+2 dipolaire des triazolium phenacylures aux dipolarophiles asymetriques |
1053-1060 |
articol de periodic |
POP, E. (autor)
BEU, Lucia (autor)
POP, R. (autor)
The structure of some &-cyanoglyoxylic phenylhydrazones |
1061-1067 |
articol de periodic |
ROȘCA, Sînziana (autor)
PĂTRAȘCU, Renate (autor)
CHIRALEU, F. (autor)
ROȘCA, S. (autor)
Base-catalyzed hydrogen-deuterium exchange in arene-tricarbonyl-chromium (0) complexes |
1069-1076 |
articol de periodic |
SIMIONESCU, Cristofor (autor)
PERCEC, V. (autor)
IOANID, G. (autor)
Photoconducting properties of charge transfer complexes of poly(3,6-dihalogeno-N-vinylcarbazoles) with 2,4,7-trinitro-9-fluorenone |
1077-1082 |
articol de periodic |
STERNBERG, Solomon (autor)
GEANĂ, Dan (autor)
Application of Redlich-Kister and Wilson equations to molten silver iodite-alkali iodide mixtures |
1083-1087 |
articol de periodic |
ZUGRĂVESCU, I. (autor)
SURUPĂȚEANU, Gheorghe. (autor)
DEVOS, H. (autor)
E.H. theoretical study on the protonation of pyridinium ylides |
1089-1098 |