Lista completă a publicaţiilor

Tip Realizatori Titlul articolui Secțiunea Pagina Limba
articol de periodic COLDEAS, Speranța (autor) Perturbation theory of transport coerfficient of a real dense fluid I. Simple fluids 117-124
articol de periodic COLDEAS, Speranța (autor) Perturbation theory of transport coerfficient of a real dense fluid II. Binary mixtures 125-132
articol de periodic BRÎNDUȘ, L. (autor) On the calculation of intensities in tetrahedral complexes 133-135
articol de periodic BRÎNDUȘ, L. (autor) Calculation of transition probabilities for alkali stons 137-140
articol de periodic ARDELEAN, P. (autor) , MERCEA, Victor (autor) , URSU, D. (autor) Charge tranmsfer reactions of 8-160 eV CH+3 iond with isotropic methanes 141-146
articol de periodic BĂLĂCEANU, M. (autor) , BRÎNDUȘ, L. (autor) , POPOVICI, C. (autor) On the confinement of plasma in magnetic mirrors 147-151
articol de periodic CRISTESCU, C. (autor) , CONE, G. (autor) , POPOVICI, I. (autor) , PREDA, A. (autor) Transversal distribution of the radiation from a He-Cd hollow cathode discharge 153-160
articol de periodic ALEXANDRESCU, R. (autor) , COMANICIU, N. (autor) , DRĂGĂNESCU, V. (autor) , DUMITRAȘ, D. (autor) , TIMUȘ, C. (autor) Pressure dependent absorption in CO2 and BCl for some vibration-rotation lines of the 10.6uCO2 laser 161-166
articol de periodic APOSTOL, D. (autor) , APOSTOL, I. (autor) , MIHĂILESCU, I. (autor) An infrared lateral shearing interferometer 167-172
articol de periodic MARCU, Cristian (autor) , DE, SABATA (autor) La distribution des dommaines de magnetisation spontanee dans les les couches cylindriques de Ni-Co 173-176
articol de periodic HAȘEGAN, D. (autor) Cosmic ray dosimetry at rge supersonic transport level 177-185
articol de periodic ADAM, Gheorghe (autor) , IXARU, Liviu (autor) An interpolation scheme for the numerical solution of one-dimensional Schoodinger equation 187-197
articol de periodic MOCIUȚCHI, Cleopatra (autor) A new generation of Schwarzschild metric 199-207
articol de periodic GHEORGHE, Viorica (autor) , MIHAILOV, M.I. (autor) , NOVIKOV, V.G. (autor) , SARANTSEV, V.P. (autor) , SHESTAKOV (autor) Plasma gun as pulsed atoms source 209-212
articol de periodic BAICAN, R. (autor) , NEGOIȚĂ, N. (autor) , BALABAN, A. (autor) A new proposed standard stable free radical for ESR measuremennts: 1-cyano-2 , 2-diphenylhydrstyl (CDPH) 213-215
articol de periodic PREDA, Ion (autor) Dancoff correction for the IRTM fiel element 217-220
articol de periodic GALIN, E. (autor) Plasma physics - DeWitt C., Peyraud J. 221-221
articol de periodic PROTOPOPESCU, V. (autor) Lecture Notes Physics - No 35 222-222
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