articol de periodic |
POPESCU, Ion (autor)
CIMPOCA, Valerica (autor)
Proceedings of the 3rd International Nalkan Workshop on Applied Physics |
.7-8 |
articol de periodic |
CHAPMAN, R. (autor)
Development in-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy |
.9-18 |
articol de periodic |
BALABANSKI, D. (autor)
NEYENS, G. (autor)
Spin-orientation of exotic nuclear beams at intermediate energies |
19-26 |
articol de periodic |
HELLBORG, R. (autor)
FAARINEN, M. (autor)
KIISK, M. (autor)
MAGNUSSON, C.E. (autor)
PERSSON, P. (autor)
SKOG, G. (autor)
STENSTROM, K. (autor)
Accelators mass spectrometry |
27-37 |
articol de periodic |
MOROZOV, V.A. (autor)
MOROZOVA, N.V. (autor)
Application of the autocorrelation metod for the search of short-lived nuclear states |
39-58 |
articol de periodic |
BEK-UZAROV, G.N. (autor)
TETERIN, Y.A. (autor)
IVANOV, K.E. (autor)
VUKCHEVICH, L.K. (autor)
Human body internal radionuclide contamination measurements proptocol |
59-66 |
articol de periodic |
CALBOREANU, A. (autor)
Random cluster formation and size distribution of clusters |
67-71 |
articol de periodic |
DOBRESCU, S. (autor)
SCHACHTER, L. (autor)
Electron cyclotron resonance 14 GHz ion source for atomic physics and applications |
73-79 |
articol de periodic |
RACOLȚA, P. (autor)
DRĂGULESCU, E. (autor)
CRĂCIUN, L. (autor)
MUREȘAN, Ofelia (autor)
ȘERBAN, A. (autor)
VOICULESCU, Dana (autor)
Contribution of Coulomb excitation techniques in quantitative analysis of materials |
81-85 |
articol de periodic |
COROL, Delia-Irina (autor)
DOROBANȚU, I. (autor)
Stimulation of inhibition of beta-carotene biosynthesis by irradiation with gamma-rays of Calendula officinallis sseds |
87-89 |
articol de periodic |
GRIGORESCU, E. (autor)
LUCA, A. (autor)
SAHAGIA, Maria (autor)
RĂZDOLESCU, A. (autor)
IVAN, C. (autor)
4 pi gamma ionization chamber method for secondary standardization of radioactive solutions |
91-95 |
articol de periodic |
PĂDUREANU, I. (autor)
RĂDULESCU, A. (autor)
NAVIKOV, A.G. (autor)
SAVOSTIN, Kotlov (autor)
Collective motions in liquid Gallium |
97-108 |
articol de periodic |
PĂDULESCU, I. (autor)
LECHNER, R. (autor)
ARANGHEL, Dorina (autor)
RĂDULESCU, A. (autor)
PIEPER, J. (autor)
Neutron scattering investigation of superconducting ceramics Bi1.6Pb 0.4Sr1.8Ba 0.2Ca2Cu3Ox |
109-115 |
articol de periodic |
MARINESCU, Liviu (autor)
DOBRESCU, S. (autor)
DUMITRU, G. (autor)
DIMA, R. (autor)
The Bucharest FN-tandem accelerator: past, present and future |
117-126 |
articol de periodic |
RĂDULESCU, Laura (autor)
TEODORESCU, C. (autor)
Moving table HCALI |
127-130 |
articol de periodic |
CIMPOCA, Gheorghe (autor)
CERNICA, Ileana (autor)
BUTE, Oana (autor)
Radiation damage effect on X-ray silicon detectors |
131-140 |
articol de periodic |
COADĂ, Daniela (autor)
On the negative differential resistance of the anode glow |
141-145 |
articol de periodic |
MUSA, Geavit (autor)
CIUPINĂ, Victor (autor)
VLĂDOIU, Rodica (autor)
COADĂ, Daniela (autor)
FLOREA, E. (autor)
AVRAM, M. (autor)
MUSTAȚĂ, Ion (autor)
Thermoionic vacuum Arc - A way for high tech thin film deposition |
147-150 |
articol de periodic |
RUSU, A. (autor)
BREZEANU, M. (autor)
DOBRESCU, Lidia (autor)
Advanced modeling of mos transistors in weak inversion |
151-159 |
articol de periodic |
GÎRȚU, M. (autor)
Magnetic ordering in thin films of chromium hexacyanide magnets |
161-169 |
articol de periodic |
BREZEANU, G. (autor)
DRĂGHICI, F. (autor)
BIOANCEANU, C. (autor)
SiC photodetectors with high UV selectivity and sensitivity |
171-184 |
articol de periodic |
PILICER, E. (autor)
TAPAN, I. (autor)
Simulation of nuclear counter effect for silicon pin structure |
185-190 |
articol de periodic |
BRUK, L. (autor)
KOROTKOV, V. (autor)
SUSHKEVICH, K. (autor)
KETRUSH, P. (autor)
Radiative centers formation in ZnS at annealing in the V group elements melts |
191-195 |
articol de periodic |
AFRAILOV, M.A. (autor)
OZER, M. (autor)
PILICER, E. (autor)
Dark current analysis of isotype N-GaSb/n-GaInAsSb single heterojunctions |
197-202 |
articol de periodic |
ALECU, Georgeta (autor)
YBCO sintered Bulk-YBCO/Cu-sheathed wires: comparative study |
203-210 |
articol de periodic |
CIUPINĂ, Victor (autor)
The determination of some electrical conduction parameters on GaAs-n materials by magnetoresistance measurements |
211-223 |
articol de periodic |
CIMPOCA, Gheorghe (autor)
ENACHE, Mariana (autor)
STIHI, V. (autor)
BOBE, Cristina (autor)
Microactuator for microfluids |
225-229 |
articol de periodic |
ERTURK, K. (autor)
BEKTORE, Y. (autor)
YUCEL, E. (autor)
I-V and C-V characteristics of Schottky Barrier diodes |
231-236 |
articol de periodic |
SOCACIU, Margareta (autor)
IACOBESCU, Gabriela (autor)
URSACHE, M. (autor)
Study of dynamical scattering mode in the newly synthesised liquid crystal |
237-239 |
articol de periodic |
ALBERT, E. (autor)
Prominent basaltic ceramic meterial |
241-243 |
articol de periodic |
Applied nuclear gamma-resonance as fingerprint technique in geochemistry and mineralogy |
245-262 |
articol de periodic |
UDUBAȘA, Gheorghe (autor)
CALOGERO, S. (autor)
Recent 37Fe NGR investigations of some minerals from natural Mn-Fe romanian deposits |
263-273 |
articol de periodic |
FRONTASYEVA, Marina (autor)
PAVLOV, S. (autor)
Regata experimental setup for air polution studies |
275-282 |
articol de periodic |
POPESCU, Ion (autor)
CIUPINĂ, Victor (autor)
STIHI, Claudia (autor)
BĂNCUȚĂ, Anca (autor)
BELC, M. (autor)
BUSUIOC, Gabriela (autor)
BĂDICĂ, T. (autor)
VLAICU, Gheorghe (autor)
Trace elements analysis by PIXE /particle induced X-ray excitation) and AAS (atomic absorbtion spectrometry) of environmental samples |
283-287 |
articol de periodic |
BRAȘOVEANU, Mirela (autor)
GRECU, V. (autor)
NEMȚEANU, Monica (autor)
MINEA, Radu (autor)
Limits in EPR dosimetry for irradiated dried fruits discrimination |
289-293 |
articol de periodic |
STIHI, Claudia (autor)
POPESCU, I. (autor)
CIUPINĂ, Victor (autor)
BĂNCUȚĂ, Anca (autor)
BUSUIOC, Gabriela (autor)
STIHI, V. (autor)
DIMA, G. (autor)
BELC, M. (autor)
VLAICU, Gheorghe (autor)
Inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-PES) and atomic absorption spectrophotometry /AAS) in environmental analysis |
295-299 |
articol de periodic |
DIMA, G. (autor)
MANEA, Laur (autor)
POPESCU, Ion (autor)
BĂDICĂ, T. (autor)
STIHI, Claudia (autor)
Pixe and ICP analysis of Ca, P anf Mg in the Downer Cow syndrome |
301-304 |
articol de periodic |
MIHAI, Maria (autor)
POPESCU, Ion (autor)
Physical-mathematical model for cybernetic description of human organs with imput variables - the trace elements concentrations |
305-315 |
articol de periodic |
MIHAI, Maria (autor)
POPESCU, Ion (autor)
The determination of the optimal composition of the drinking water based on the trace element spectrum in the human plasma |
317-323 |
articol de periodic |
MOCIUȚCHI, Cleopatra (autor)
LUCHIAN, D. (autor)
LUCHIAN, N. (autor)
Nonlinear effects on the temperature distribution in two zonal microclimates |
325-330 |
articol de periodic |
APOSTOL, Simona (autor)
BRIANTAIS, J.M. (autor)
Remote variable chlorophyll fluorescence measurements for Pea leaves |
331-338 |
articol de periodic |
ION, Rodica-Mariana (autor)
SCARLAT, Ion (autor)
NICULESCU, V. (autor)
Porphyrins as advanced materials for photodymamic therapy of cancer |
339-346 |
articol de periodic |
BUGOI, R. (autor)
COJOCARU, V. (autor)
GRAMBOLE, D. (autor)
HERRMANN, F. (autor)
POPOVICI, D. (autor)
Materials analysis in archaeometrical studies - the cases of ceramics figments and of gold objects |
347-354 |
articol de periodic |
BUGOI, R. (autor)
RĂDULESCU, Ioan (autor)
BRAȘOVEANU, M. (autor)
DRĂGUȘIN, M. (autor)
Gamma and proton irradiation effects on optical transmission materials for plasma diagnostics in nuclear fision reactor |
355-258 |
articol de periodic |
NICULESCU, V. (autor)
STANCU, Claudia (autor)
Magnetic astroid undulator |
359-361 |
articol de periodic |
TĂNASE, G. (autor)
TĂNASE, Maria (autor)
Natural radioactivity in iron and steel materials by low-level gamma spectrometry |
363-368 |
articol de periodic |
SCARLAT, F. (autor)
Proposal for a free electron laser driven by the 7 MeV NILPRP LINAC |
369-376 |
articol de periodic |
IVAN, I. (autor)
CIMPOCA, Gheorghe (autor)
OLARIU, N. (autor)
GROTTKE, M. (autor)
DOGARU, V. (autor)
IVAN, Mihaela (autor)
JELEA, A. (autor)
Characterization and comparison bertween silicon and CuInSe2 photovoltaic modules |
377-383 |
articol de periodic |
VLĂDOIU, Rodica (autor)
CHELAN, Georgeta (autor)
BARLIGEA, Mia (autor)
MUSA, Geavit (autor)
Influence of the dielectric surface polarization on the breakdown vopltages of gaseous discharge devices |
385-389 |
articol de periodic |
OROS, C. (autor)
DINU, S. (autor)
MARIUȚAN, A. (autor)
Laser surface hardness |
391-395 |
articol de periodic |
OROS, C. (autor)
Some experimental results of mechanoluminiscence induced by laser |
397-401 |
articol de periodic |
ION, Rodica-Mariana (autor)
SCARLAT, F. (autor)
MACAU, Carmen (autor)
NICULESCU, V. (autor)
Photon and electron irradiation effects in manganese porphytins |
403-409 |
articol de periodic |
ION, Rodica-Mariana (autor)
ION, N. (autor)
PAVEL, Elena (autor)
Advanced microscopy investigations of /SEMI) conductive surfaces coated with Langmuir-Blodgett metallo-porphyrins films |
411-419 |
articol de periodic |
ZAHARESCU, T. (autor)
JIPA, S. (autor)
GORGHIU, Laura (autor)
SETNESCU, R. (autor)
SETNESCU, Tanța (autor)
DUMITRU, Mădălina (autor)
High energy irradiation effects on thermal stability of isotactic polypropylene |
421-425 |
articol de periodic |
ANDREI, V. (autor)
VLAICU, Gheorghe (autor)
Surface physics studies related to nuclear materials |
427-438 |
articol de periodic |
ANDREI, V. (autor)
VLAICU, G. (autor)
DUCU, C. (autor)
Characterization of surface structures developed on nuclear materials by ESCA and complementary techiques |
439-445 |
articol de periodic |
ENE, A. (autor)
POPESCU, I. (autor)
BĂDICĂ, T. (autor)
OLARIU, A. (autor)
Coincidence method for the analysis of minor elements in steel by oroton and deuterin-induced prompt gamma-ray emission |
447-456 |
articol de periodic |
DOROBANȚU, I. (autor)
COROL, Delia-Irina (autor)
Obtainment and radioimmunological characterization of 2,4 D-tyramine 125I and dicamba-tyramine -125I |
457-461 |
articol de periodic |
BARTOȘ, D. (autor)
CIOBANU, M. (autor)
CONSTANTIN, F. (autor)
LUPU, A. (autor)
LUPU, F. (autor)
PETCU, M. (autor)
PLOȘTINARU, V. (autor)
RUSU, Alexandru (autor)
New instruments for radioprotection |
463-468 |
articol de periodic |
PREDA, A. (autor)
SCARLAT, E.. (autor)
PREDA, L. (autor)
MIHĂILESCU, M. (autor)
Diffractive optical element in liquid media with variable optical path |
469-477 |
articol de periodic |
SCARLAT, F. (autor)
OPROIU, C. (autor)
MITRU, E. (autor)
Absorbed dose distribution at the 7 MeV NILPRP electron linear accelerator |
479-484 |
articol de periodic |
GERU, I. (autor)
New approach in time inversion symmetry |
485-494 |
articol de periodic |
CIOBANU, G. (autor)
GOTTLIEB, I. (autor)
MOCIUȚCHI, Cleopatra (autor)
What is a contraform and CuI prodest |
495-500 |
articol de periodic |
MORTICI, Cristinel (autor)
Topological degree method for nonlinear equations defined by green functions |
501-505 |
articol de periodic |
PĂUN, V. (autor)
Determination of transverse ductility of fuel element canning from ring test |
507-513 |