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  • 2 volume
  • 1 articol
Tip Anul Publicație și Volum/Nr. Realizatori Titlul articolui Secțiunea Pagina Limba
volum de periodic 1996 Bulletin de Thracologie, anul 1996, Recherches paleobalkaniques et carpato-pontiques FOL, Alexander (redactor), DERGACEV, Valentin (redactor), LEVITCHI, Oleg (redactor), ROMAN, Petre (redactor), OPRIS, Ioan Carol (redactor), ZUEV, V. Yu. (redactor), BALAGURI, Eduard (redactor), VANTCHUGOV, Vladimir P. (redactor), PETRENKO, Wladislav (redactor), KOTIGOROSKO, Viaceslav (redactor), GARAŠANIN, Milutin (redactor), TASIC, Nikola (redactor), PALAVESTRA, Alexandar (redactor)
volum de periodic 1998 Bulletin de Thracologie, anul 1998, Recherches paleobalkaniques et carpato-pontiques PRENDI, Frano (redactor), MANSAKU, Seit (redactor), FOL, Alexander (redactor), JORDANOV, Cyril (redactor), GALLIS, Kostas (redactor), MAKKAY, Janos (redactor), DERGACEV, Valentin (redactor), LEVITCHI, Oleg (redactor), ROMAN, Petre (redactor), OPRIS, Ioan Carol (redactor), MASSON, Vadim M. (redactor), ZUEV, V. Yu. (redactor), BALAGURI, Eduard (redactor), VANTCHUGOV, Vladimir P. (redactor), PETRENKO, Vladimir (redactor), KOTIGOROȘCO, Viaceslav (redactor), GARAŠANIN, Milutin (redactor), TASIC, Nikola (redactor), PALAVESTRA, Alexandar (redactor)
articol de carte 2004 Thracians and Circumpontic World. Proceedings of the Ninth International Congress of Thracology, Chișinău - Vadul lui Vodă, 6-11 September 2004, I FOL, Alexander (autor) Report for the time period between the eight and the ninth Intemational Congress of Thracology by the secretary general of the Intemational Council of lndo-European and Thracian studies 9-10 engleză