Criterii căutate

Sumarul căutării

  • 9 articole
Tip Anul Publicație și Volum/Nr. Realizatori Titlul articolui Secțiunea Pagina Limba
articol de periodic 1991 Revue Roumaine de Physique, 36-3-4 SHCHERBAKOV, Y.A. (autor) , IOVA, I. (autor) , TUDOR, T. (autor) , CHERA, I. (autor) , BULINSKI, M. (autor) , GRUIA, I. (autor) Some resolution problems of the stereophotographical laser illuminated streamer chamber 227-230
articol de periodic 2001 Romanian Reports in Physics, 53-1-2 BULINSKI, M. (autor) , BELEA, A. (autor) , IOVA, I. (autor) , NEDELCU, A. (autor) , IOANA, B. (autor) A two-dimensional phase distribution unwrapping algorithm using numerical recipes 91-97
articol de periodic 2001 Romanian Reports in Physics, 53-1-2 BULINSKI, M. (autor) , KUNCSER, V. (autor) , BELEA, A. (autor) , IOVA, I. (autor) , FILOTI, G. (autor) , BARALIA, G. (autor) New polymeric materials doped with metallic ions for real time holography. Preparation procedures and optical characteristics 99-106
articol de periodic 2001 Romanian Reports in Physics, 53-1-2 BULINSKI, M. (autor) , BELEA, A. (autor) , BUDULEA, E. (autor) , NEDELCU, A. (autor) A method for digital filtration of noise present in optical fields records 107-114
articol de periodic 2001 Romanian Reports in Physics, 53-3-8 BULINSKI, M. (autor) , PASCU, M. (autor) , MARDARE, A. (autor) Encoded communications with synchronized semiconductor lasers 489-497
articol de periodic 2003 Romanian Reports in Physics, 55-3 VALSANGIACOM, C. (autor) , BULINSKI, M. (autor) , IOVA, I. (autor) , SCHINTEIE, G. (autor) , KUNCSER, C. (autor) , FILOTI, G. (autor) , BEJAN, D. (autor) Optical and electronic proprieties of mixed Fe-Sn doped PVA 463-467
articol de periodic 2004 Romanian Reports in Physics, 56-4 VALSANGIACOM, C. (autor) , SIMA, M. (autor) , PREDOI, D. (autor) , PLAPCIANU, C. (autor) , KUNCSER, C. (autor) , SCHINTEIE, G. (autor) , BULINSKI, M. (autor) A microscopic analysis of the conduction mechanism of iron doped polyaniline under UV exposure 645-649
articol de periodic 2005 Romanian Reports in Physics, 57-3 ANDREI, I. (autor) , PASCU, M. (autor) , BULINSKI, M. (autor) The analysis of data encoding characteristics forchaotic coupling of two multimode laser diodes withn external cavity 425-431
articol de periodic 2016 Romanian Reports in Physics, 68-2 BULINSKI, M. (autor) , MOAGAR-POLADIAN (autor) Fourier-transform interference lithography 713-724