Criterii căutate

Sumarul căutării

  • 7 articole
Tip Anul Publicație și Volum/Nr. Realizatori Titlul articolui Secțiunea Pagina Limba
articol de periodic 2000 Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 45-1 PĂLĂMARU, Mircea (autor) , CRAUS, Mihail (autor) , IORDAN, Alexandra (autor) , CECAL, Alexandru (autor) , POPA, Aurelian (autor) The influence of the deviation from the molasr Sr:(Mg+Ni)=2:1 ratio on the phase composition in the Sr1,7MgxNi1-xMoOS5,7 system 13-19
articol de periodic 2002 Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 47-10-11 IORDAN, Alexandra (autor) , PALAMARU, Mircea (autor) , CIOBANU, Constantin (autor) , CRAUS, Mihail (autor) , CECAL, Alexandru (autor) , POPA, Aurelian (autor) Degradation phothochimique en pfase solide des polymeres avec des groupes de type urethanne. Influence des cations du bloc "P" sur le processus de degradation 1137-1146
articol de periodic 2002 Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 47-3-4 PALAMARU, Mircea (autor) , IORDAN, Alexandra (autor) , CIOBANU, Constantin (autor) , CRAUS, Mihail (autor) , CECAL, Alexandru (autor) , POPA, Aurelian (autor) Degradation photochimique en phase solide des polymeres biocompatibles avec des groupes de type urethanne. Influence des biocations du bloc "d" sur le processus de degradation 363-372
articol de periodic 2002 Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 47-8-9 IORDAN, Alexandra (autor) , PALAMARU, Mircea (autor) , CRAUS, Mihail (autor) , CECAL, Alexandru (autor) , POPA, Aurelian (autor) Influence of iron bismuth substitution on the structure and the magnetic properties of nonstoichiometric ferrites system Ni1+xFe2-x-yBiyO4+y 851-854
articol de periodic 2005 Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 50-2 PALAMARU, Mircea (autor) , CRAUS, Mihail (autor) , IORDAN, Raluca (autor) , KAPPENSTEIN, Charles (autor) The synthesis and study of the properties of the compounds from the NiSbxFe2-xO4 system 97-102
articol de periodic 2006 Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 51-10 MÎȚĂ, Carmen (autor) , CORNEI, Nicoleta (autor) , CRAUS, Mihail (autor) Phase composition and properties of YbMnO3-La0,67Sr0,33-1,67xK1,67xMnO3 system 981-985
articol de periodic 2008 Romanian Journal of Physics, 53-1-2 CORNEI, Nicoleta (autor) , CRAUS, Mihail (autor) , MÎȚĂ, Carmen (autor) Synthesis and structural analysis of La-Sr manganites doped with Ho 287-293