Criterii căutate

Sumarul căutării

  • 1 volum
  • 8 articole
Tip Anul Publicație și Volum/Nr. Realizatori Titlul articolui Secțiunea Pagina Limba
volum de carte 1998 Lucrări practice de mecanică fizică, anul 1998 FIFIRIG, Magda (autor)
articol de periodic 2008 Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 53-2 TABLET, Cristina (autor) , FIFIRIG, Magda (autor) , HILLEBRAND, Mihaela (autor) An alternative approach on electron transfer mechanism of the fluorescence quenching of 3-carboxy-5,6-benzocoumarin by some aromatic amines 113-117
articol de periodic 1984 Revue Roumaine de Physique, 29-2 FLORESCU, Viorica (autor) , FIFIRIG, Magda (autor) , CIONGA, Aurelia (autor) Rayleigh scattering form n=3 states of hydrogen in the vicinity of some resonances 147-162
articol de periodic 1998 Romanian Journal of Physics, 43-3-4 FIFIRIG, Magda (autor) Three-photon ionization near resonances in two-colour processes 221-232
articol de periodic 1998 Romanian Journal of Physics, 43-9-10 FIFIRIG, Magda (autor) Polarization effects on angular distributions in two-colour three-photon ionization 719-727
articol de periodic 1999 Romanian Journal of Physics, 44-5-6 FIFIRIG, Magda (autor) , FLORESCU, Viorica (autor) Ionization of hydrogern by a coherent superposition of a laser field and its third harmonic 533-541
articol de periodic 1994 Romanian Reports in Physics, 46-5-6 CIONGA, Aurelia (autor) , VĂTĂȘESCU, Mihaela (autor) , FIFIRIG, Magda (autor) , FLORESCU, Viorica (autor) Analytic approach to three-photon 1s-continuum transitions in hydrogen 441-446
articol de periodic 2000 Romanian Reports in Physics, 52-8-9 FIFIRIG, Magda (autor) , FLORESCU, Viorica (autor) Interference effects in the three-colour ionization of hydrogen
articol de periodic 2003 Romanian Reports in Physics, 55-4 FIFIRIG, Magda (autor) , FLORESCU, Viorica (autor) K-shell photoionisation in the presence of laser field 532-