Criterii căutate

Sumarul căutării

  • 13 articole
Tip Anul Publicație și Volum/Nr. Realizatori Titlul articolui Secțiunea Pagina Limba
articol de periodic 1977 Revue Roumaine de Physique, 22-2 BUNACIU, Doina (autor) , FLORESCU, Viorica (autor) Screening effects on the K-and L1-shells. Internal coeficients for the electric dipole and quadrupole radiation in the nonrelativistic dipole approximation 157-176
articol de periodic 1978 Revue Roumaine de Physique, 23-3 BUNACIU, Doina (autor) , FLORESCU, Viorica (autor) , FLUERAȘU, Daniela (autor) Relativistic effects on some K-and L1-subshells internal conversion coefficients for a screened Coulomb potential 249-255
articol de periodic 1983 Revue Roumaine de Physique, 28-8 FLORESCU, Viorica (autor) Atomic Many-Body Theory - Indgren I., Morrison J. 750-751
articol de periodic 1984 Revue Roumaine de Physique, 29-2 FLORESCU, Viorica (autor) , FIFIRIG, Magda (autor) , CIONGA, Aurelia (autor) Rayleigh scattering form n=3 states of hydrogen in the vicinity of some resonances 147-162
articol de periodic 1985 Revue Roumaine de Physique, 30-3 FLORESCU, Viorica (autor) Molecular Collision Dynamics - Bowman J.M. 284-284
articol de periodic 1990 Revue Roumaine de Physique, 35-5-6 CÎMPEANU, Violeta (autor) , FLORESCU, Viorica (autor) Method for the derivation of the linear response of the hydrogen atom to a harmonic uniform electronix uniform electric field 475-484
articol de periodic 1999 Romanian Journal of Physics, 44-5-6 FIFIRIG, Magda (autor) , FLORESCU, Viorica (autor) Ionization of hydrogern by a coherent superposition of a laser field and its third harmonic 533-541
articol de periodic 2002 Romanian Journal of Physics, 47-3-4 FIFITIG, Magda (autor) , FLORESCU, Viorica (autor) The ionization of atomic hydrogen in multicolour laser field 415-424
articol de periodic 2010 Romanian Journal of Physics, 55-5-6 BOCA, Mădălina (autor) , FLORESCU, Viorica (autor) The completeness of Volkov spinors 511-525
articol de periodic 1994 Romanian Reports in Physics, 46-5-6 CIONGA, Aurelia (autor) , VĂTĂȘESCU, Mihaela (autor) , FIFIRIG, Magda (autor) , FLORESCU, Viorica (autor) Analytic approach to three-photon 1s-continuum transitions in hydrogen 441-446
articol de periodic 2000 Romanian Reports in Physics, 52-8-9 FIFIRIG, Magda (autor) , FLORESCU, Viorica (autor) Interference effects in the three-colour ionization of hydrogen
articol de periodic 2003 Romanian Reports in Physics, 55-4 FIFIRIG, Magda (autor) , FLORESCU, Viorica (autor) K-shell photoionisation in the presence of laser field 532-
articol de periodic 2004 Romanian Reports in Physics, 56-4 DONDERA, M. (autor) , FLORESCU, Viorica (autor) Laser modified electron bremsstrahlung revisited 623-636