Tip Realizatori Titlul articolui Secțiunea Pagina Limba
articol de periodic MURGULESCU, Ilie (autor) , VASS, Mihail (autor) Surface potential variation at successive carbion monoxide and oxygen adsorption on thin silver films 1143-1151
articol de periodic RADOVICI, Octavian (autor) , SURDEANU, Victoria (autor) Passivity of steel in monoethanolamine solutions 1153-1161
articol de periodic CISMARU, D. (autor) , ZERVUDIS, Stela (autor) Kinetics of the Al2O3+CoO reaction at high temperature accompanied by spinel formation in oxygen atmosphere 1163-1167
articol de periodic STERNBERG, Solomon (autor) , GALASIU, I. (autor) L'electrode halogene- charbon dans les electrolytes fondus. VI. L'adsorption du chlore et de l'iode sur l'electrode de charbon active 1169-1176
articol de periodic MARCHIDAN, Dumitru (autor) , CIOPEC, M. (autor) Thermal properties of potassium chloride high temperature heat content 1177-1180
articol de periodic COSTACHE, D. (autor) Kinetic measurement of cobalt traces. IV. With hematoxylin 1181-1185
articol de periodic ȘUTEU, Alexandru (autor) , CRIȘAN, I. (autor) , MÎNDRUȚIU, Eleonora (autor) Die kinetische bestimmung des hydrazins mit bromat und amidol 1187-1190
articol de periodic BELDIE, Camelia (autor) Salting-in effects in organic solvent-water-organic electrolyte systems. Molecular weight of the organic electrolytes 1191-1196
articol de periodic POPESCU, A. (autor) , SZABO, A. (autor) The activity of molybdenum oxide - bismuth oxide catalysts and the influence of metallic oxide mixtures 1197-1200
articol de periodic CHIRIAC, Constantin (autor) , ZUGRĂVESCU, I. (autor) Pyrazoles. III. N-arylation des N-acylpyrazoles avec le chlorure de picryle 1201-1205
articol de periodic AVRAM, Margareta (autor) , POGANY, I. (autor) , DINULESCU, I. (autor) , CHIRALEU, Filip (autor) , NENIȚESCU, Costin (autor) Investigations in the cyclobutane series. XXVIII. The reaction of endo and axo-3,4-benzotricyclo (4,2.1.O2.5)nona-3.7-dienes with electrophylic reagents 1207-1218
articol de periodic AVRAM, Margareta (autor) , CHIRALEU, Filip (autor) , POGANY, I. (autor) Investigations in the cyclobutane series. XXIX. NMR spectra studies of some3,4-benzotricyclo (4,2.1.O2.5)nona-3.7-diene derivatives 1219-1225
articol de periodic REICHEL, J. (autor) , VIDAC, R. (autor) Untersuchungen uber aryldiazosulfonate und aryldiazosulfosauren. II. Herstellung und photochemisches verhalten der benzoldiazosulfonsaure 1227-1232
articol de periodic GOIA, Ileana (autor) , IONESCU, Maria (autor) Acridones. XXXV. The iodination of acridone 1233-1242
articol de periodic BALABAN, Alexandru (autor) Chemical graphs. X. (aromaticity. VIII) Resonance energies of cata-condensed benzwenoid polycyclic hydrocarbons 1243-1250
articol de periodic BALABAN, Alexandru (autor) Chemical graphs. XI. (aromaticity. IX) Isomerism and topology of non-branched cata-condensed polycyclic conjugated non-benzenoid hydrocarbons 1251-1262
articol de periodic ARSENIE, Ioana (autor) , LEUCA, I. (autor) Contribution a la separation du zirconium d'avec le Hafnium par cristallisation fractionnee de l'hexafluozirconate de potassium 1263-1287