articol de periodic |
MURGULESCU, Ilie (autor)
ȘERBAN, Marilena (autor)
On the viscosity of molten metals. II |
1417-1427 |
articol de periodic |
LANDAUER, Ortansa (autor)
COSTEANU, G. (autor)
MATEESCU, Cornelia (autor)
Sur la viscosite des systemes mixtes: eau-monoethyleneglycol, eau-monirthsnolamine et eau-dimethylesulfoxyde |
1429-1433 |
articol de periodic |
MARCHIDAN, Dumitru (autor)
TĂNĂSESCU, Speranța (autor)
High-temperature thermodynamic data for some uranium oxides within the range UO2.60-IO2.60 |
1435-1439 |
articol de periodic |
BIRADAR, N.S. (autor)
GOUDAR, T.R. (autor)
Spectral study of dioxouranium(VI) complexes with aromatic schiff bases |
1441-1445 |
articol de periodic |
ATANASIU, I. (autor)
BADEA, Teodora (autor)
Electrochemical behaviour of 18Cr-10Ni stainless steel in organic acid solutions. I. Formic acid |
1447-1453 |
articol de periodic |
DRĂGULESCU, Coriolan (autor)
NIMARĂ, Ana (autor)
JULEAN, I. (autor)
Contributions to the bismuth hydrolysis study. III. Electrometric investigations on bismthyl perchlorate hydrolysis |
1455-1459 |
articol de periodic |
Contribution a l'etude de l'hydrolyse de l'uranium (VI) en milieu azotique |
1461-1470 |
articol de periodic |
CASSOUX, Patrick (autor)
GALLAIS, Fernand (autor)
LABABARRE, Jean-Francois (autor)
SAVARIAULT, Jean (autor)
Bonding and magnetic properties in tetrakis phosphine compălexes of nickel |
1471-1481 |
articol de periodic |
TEOREANU, Ion (autor)
MUNTEANU, Marcela (autor)
Calcium aluminosulphate formation and hardening proprties |
1483-1489 |
articol de periodic |
ENCULESCU, Maria (autor)
Influence of oxides of transitional elements on the properties of mineralogical components of clinkers od cements |
1491-1502 |
articol de periodic |
VLASSA, M. (autor)
Proton magnetic resonance spwectra of some 1,2,3-trimethoxyacridines |
1503-1506 |
articol de periodic |
CARP, Eugenia (autor)
DORNEANU, Maria (autor)
ZUGRĂVESCU, I. (autor)
o-Diazabicyclic derivatives of benzo(c) cinnoline. IV. Addition reactions of 3,8-dimethylbenzo)c)cinnoline, via ylidic intermediates, leading to new o-diazabicyclic systems |
1507-1512 |
articol de periodic |
NICOLESCU, I. (autor)
SUCIU, I. (autor)
Chromatographic study of acetylene and ethylene adsorption and of Palladium dispersion from Pd/Al2O3 catalysts |
1513-1519 |
articol de periodic |
CUIBAN, Flavian (autor)
CILIANU, Steliana (autor)
BADEA, Veronica (autor)
The synthesis of some C-terminal analoques of the peptides: eledoisin and physalaemin |
1521-1533 |
articol de periodic |
ANDREI, C. (autor)
NANU, I. (autor)
Copolymers of conjugated dienes with maleic acid monoesters. VIII. Bulk copolymerization of isoprene with monobutyl maleate |
1535-1544 |
articol de periodic |
VODNAR, J. (autor)
DEUTSCH, R. (autor)
Hydroperoxidation of organic compounds at the liquid/gas interface.VII. Contributions to the physico-mathermatical characterization of the apparatus |
1545-1549 |
articol de periodic |
LITEANU, Candin (autor)
Separation of small amounds of amino acids and their identification in complwex mixtures with urea in excess |
1551-1553 |
articol de periodic |
MOLDOVEANU, Șerban (autor)
On-line Rechner in der Chemie - Ziessow Dieter |
1555-1556 |
articol de periodic |
VASS, Mihai (autor)
Adsorption - Hauffe Karl, Morrison Roy |
1555-1556 |
articol de periodic |
MARCHIDAN, Dumitru (autor)
Analiza chimică prin metoda cinetică - Costache D. |
1555-1556 |