articol de periodic |
CÎRSTOIU, B. (autor)
DEBERTH, C. (autor)
HAȚEGAN, C. (autor)
SĂNDULESCU, Aureliu (autor)
On the numerical accuracy of the regular Coulomb function |
113-120 |
articol de periodic |
POPESCU, Ion (autor)
PREDA, Alexandru (autor)
ENACHE, Ana (autor)
L'action des particules Alpha sur le regime de fonctionnement d'un laser a CO2 |
121-123 |
articol de periodic |
CORCIOVEI, Aretin (autor)
VAMANU, D. (autor)
WOJTCZAK, L. (autor)
Spin waves and ferromagnetic resonance in thin films |
125-146 |
articol de periodic |
CAPRINI, I. (autor)
MICU, Liliana (autor)
Quark-model like results from duality applied to vector-meson scattering |
147-154 |
articol de periodic |
ICHIMESCU, Ariana (autor)
Formation et quelques prorietes electriques des couches minces d'Ag2Se |
155-162 |
articol de periodic |
ICHIMESCU, Ariana (autor)
Sur quelques properties des couches epitaxiales de sulpure d'argent |
163-167 |
articol de periodic |
GAȘPAR, Emilian (autor)
Tranzit time methods in underground wter hydrolohy |
169-181 |
articol de periodic |
PLĂVIȚU, C. (autor)
On the symmetrical participation of carrierrs and phonons to the transport phenomena |
183-201 |
articol de periodic |
ENESCU, E. (autor)
GHIȚĂ, L. (autor)
RUSU, C. (autor)
HLEVCA, G. (autor)
L'efet piezo-optique des couches cristallines minces de y-CI a 77K, dans la region de la bande fondamentale d'absorption |
203-205 |
articol de periodic |
ENESCU, E. (autor)
GHIȚĂ, L. (autor)
RUSU, C. (autor)
Excitation spectrum of thin polycrystalline fims of PbI2 as a function of the preparation manner |
207-209 |
articol de periodic |
IORDACHE, D. (autor)
GAVRILĂ, Doina (autor)
On the refinement of the molecular effective force fields and structures to the complete force field and the geometrical structure corresponding to the equilibrium configuration |
211-218 |
articol de periodic |
An experimental investigation of ther simple thermal quenching theory |
219-225 |
articol de periodic |
LUPULESCU, M. (autor)
The influence of cathodic hydrogen on the Mrttrucci eggect on electrolytic nickel |
227-232 |
articol de periodic |
SIMIONESCU, Margareta (autor)
Some results concerning the high level injection of alloyed junction transistors |
233-245 |
articol de periodic |
GRECU, D. (autor)
Surface plasmons and optical phonons coupling in a semi-infinite medium |
247-255 |
articol de periodic |
LUPU, Gheorghe (autor)
Observation on the generation of the third-harmonic current density for a fully ionized plasma in a high-grequency electric field |
257-259 |
articol de periodic |
FLORESCU, V. (autor)
BUNGET, I. (autor)
Influence of the thermal hisdtory on the Mossbauer spectra of SrO(6-x) Fe2O3xAl2O3 samples |
261-265 |