Tip Realizatori Titlul articolui Secțiunea Pagina Limba
articol de periodic ATA, M.S. (autor) , DEINEKO, A.S. (autor) , HAȚEGAN, C. (autor) , SHLIAKLOV, N.A. (autor) Threshold phenomena and channel coupling model 973-977
articol de periodic MOISIN, L. (autor) A circuit for power variation rate measurements in a nuclear reactor 979-982
articol de periodic UDREA, Elena (autor) , UDREA, Mircea (autor) A compact nitrogen laser 983-985
articol de periodic BISWAL, Trilochan (autor) The flow of a visco-elastic liquid with heat transfer between a rotating and a stationary disk in three dimensions 987-993
articol de periodic GHOSH, A.L. (autor) , MITRA, Subrata (autor) , ROY, Subhash (autor) Drainage of a viscoelastic liquid down vertical plane and cylindrical surfaces 995-1004
articol de periodic POPOVICI, C. (autor) , BĂLĂCEANU, M. (autor) , CEAUȘESCU, Nicu (autor) , AVRAM, E. (autor) , TĂRĂRĂȘESCU, M. (autor) , OPROIU, M. (autor) On the glow discharge electron gun and its applications in melting and casting technologies 1005-1012
articol de periodic GROSU, I. (autor) , ZOLER, D. (autor) , RUSCANU, D. (autor) , L, Gazi (autor) , ZOIȚA, V. (autor) Plasma column compression in thev the presence of an inner coaxial azimuthal magnetic field 1013-1021
articol de periodic GROSU, I. (autor) , ZOIȚA, V. (autor) Study of the plasma sheath acceleration phase in a plasma focus device by means of a two-dimensional snow-plow model 1023-1030
articol de periodic CONSTANTINESCU, Florica (autor) , CRĂCIUN, Floriana (autor) Microstructure and densification of real powders during isothermal treatment 1031-1040
articol de periodic RÎPEANU, S. (autor) , PĂDUREANU, I. (autor) , ROTĂRESCU, Gheorghe (autor) , CRĂCIUN, C. (autor) , ION, M. (autor) , BÎSCOVEANU, I. (autor) Cross sections and scattering law for Zirconium and Zirconium alloys in thermal energy range 1041-1055
articol de periodic CHIPARĂ, M. (autor) Recent advances in the quantum theory of polimers - Andre J.M., Bredus J.L., Delhalle J., Ladik J., Leroy G., Moser C. 1057-1057
articol de periodic NAN, Stelian (autor) Semiconductor devices for optical communications - Lressel H. 1057-1058
articol de periodic BURZO, Emil (autor) Handbook of Physics and Chemistry of Rare-Earth vol 1 1058-1061
articol de periodic BALABAN, Alexandru (autor) Landolf-Bornstein, Numerical Data and Functional Relationships in Science and Technology 1061-1062
articol de periodic ULIU, Florea (autor) The boundary-Layer Method in Diffraction problems - Bibic V.M., Kirpicnikova N.Y. 1062-1063
articol de periodic APOSTOL, M. (autor) Electrodeposition of metal powders 1063-1065