articol de periodic |
VĂCARU, S. (autor)
OSTAF, S. (autor)
Nearly autoparallel maps and modeling of fild interactions |
199-211 |
articol de periodic |
ION, D. (autor)
PETRAȘCU, C. (autor)
ROȘCA, A. (autor)
TOPOR, V. (autor)
Optimal state evidences in antiproton proton scatteung at low energies |
213-221 |
articol de periodic |
MIHĂILESCU, Dan (autor)
COMIȘEL, Horia (autor)
DUMITRESCU, Ovidiu (autor)
Neutral currents in 16O investigated via 15N (p,&)12D resonance reaction |
223-241 |
articol de periodic |
OCHIANA, Gabriela (autor)
Builup factor for wide conical gamma photon beams penetrating two-layered plane parallel shields |
243-251 |
articol de periodic |
GEORGESCU, N. (autor)
TOIȚA, V. (autor)
Magnetic pulse compression driver for a plasma focus X-ray source |
253-263 |
articol de periodic |
GAZI, Rodica (autor)
The coupling of magnetoacoustic waves in a homogeneous plasma with a finite conductivity situated in a inhomogenous strong magnetic field |
265-272 |
articol de periodic |
COSMA, V. (autor)
DEAC, I. (autor)
13C separation by IRMPD of CF2HCl molecule in a dynamic regime |
273-279 |
articol de periodic |
ZORAN, Maria (autor)
POP, Anca (autor)
The spectral reflectance signification in satellite imagery |
281-288 |
articol de periodic |
APOSTOL, D. (autor)
CIURA, A. (autor)
LOGOFĂTU, P. (autor)
DAMIAN, V. (autor)
A simple method of photovoltaic detector characterization |
289-294 |
articol de periodic |
CUNA, C. (autor)
IOANOVICIU, D. (autor)
CUNA, S. (autor)
ELOY, J. (autor)
Design of laser ionization mass spectrometer with mattauch-Herzog geometry calculated by transfer matrix method |
295-299 |
articol de periodic |
NISTOR, Leona (autor)
TEODORESCU, V. (autor)
DINCA, G. (autor)
NISTOR, S. (autor)
Structural modifications produced by irradiation of high Tc superconductors |
301-309 |
articol de periodic |
ALDICA, G. (autor)
BRADEA, L. (autor)
SANDU, V. (autor)
Hot wire-method for ther preparing of the textured 123 superconductor |
311-314 |
articol de periodic |
IVANOV, E.A. (autor)
NICOLESCU, G. (autor)
PLOSTINARU, D. (autor)
VÎȚĂ, I. (autor)
Hyperfine field at Fe dilute impurity in a intiferromagnetic chromium |
315-317 |
articol de periodic |
CĂRBUNAR, Florian (autor)
An algorithm for a percolation process with constraints |
319-342 |
articol de periodic |
RADULIAN, Mircea (autor)
POPESCU, Emilia (autor)
BAZACLIU, Olivia (autor)
A statistical analysis of the hweterogeneity of the generation of the earthquake sequences in the Vrancea crust |
343-351 |
articol de periodic |
EL-ZAIKI, M.I. (autor)
ABD, El-Baeth (autor)
ABU-SALEM, L.I. (autor)
A feasible view in VMINS 3-model for striongly deformed nuclei 153Sm, 154Gd, 162 Dy, 164Er, 174Yb, 172Hf and 174W |
353-355 |