Tip Realizatori Titlul articolui Secțiunea Pagina Limba
articol de periodic AMATO, Francesco (autor) Sopra le G-structure del Piano 333-337
articol de periodic VADDEO, Renzo (autor) Il prolungamento al fibrato tandente delle connessioni di Schouter e di Vranceanu 339-345
articol de periodic CÎRNU, Mircea (autor) Some equiconzinuity criterions 347-354
articol de periodic CHOUW, H.L. (autor) On topologically simple semigroups 355-356
articol de periodic CUCULESCU, Ioan (autor) Some constructions of Markov processes (III) 357-372
articol de periodic FRANCHETTI, Carlo (autor) , SINGER, Ivan (autor) Reviation and Farhest points in normed linear spaces 373-381
articol de periodic KALUSER, Thomas (autor) Another central limit theorem for Random systems with complete connections 383-412
articol de periodic NICULESCU, Constantin (autor) Absolute continuity in Banach space theory 413-422
articol de periodic PIPITONE, Vincenzo (autor) , RUSSO, Giuseppe (autor) Sur la mesure des familles de quadriques de type hyperbolique et elliotique de l'espace projectif P3 423-432
articol de periodic PUIU, Gabriel (autor) Sur le groupe de mouvements de l'espace pseudo-euclidian hyperbolique 433-435
articol de periodic ROSENDO, J.L. (autor) , GADEA, P. (autor) Integrable case of almost tangent structure of order K 437-448
articol de periodic SPINDELBOCK, Klaus (autor) Die M-P-inverse des produktes zweier in jordanacher normalform gegebener matrizen 449-463
articol de periodic THAKAHASI, Sin-Ei (autor) Continuous linear functionals on order-related C*-subalgebras 465-467
articol de periodic TA, Man (autor) Theorie des paires de faisceaux de groupes 469-485
articol de periodic VAISALA, Jussi (autor) An axiomatic approach to the theory of manifolds 489-503
articol de periodic IOSIFESCU, Marius (autor) Mathematical Models in Marketing - A Collection of Abstracts - Funke Ursula 505-505
articol de periodic IOSIFESCU, Marius (autor) Empirical Distributions and processes 505-505
articol de periodic IOSIFESCU, Marius (autor) Meathematical Models in Biological Discovery - Solomon D-L., Walter C. 506-507
articol de periodic IOSIFESCU, Marius (autor) Proceedings of the Third Japan - USSR Symposium on Probability Theory - Mariyama G., Prokhorov J.V. 507-508
articol de periodic IOSIFESCU, Marius (autor) Seminaire de Probabilities XI - Dellacherie C. 508-509