Tip Realizatori Titlul articolui Secțiunea Pagina Limba
articol de periodic BALLY, Ruxandra (autor) On the topological learning space 197-201
articol de periodic CEDER, Jack (autor) On countably dense subsets of the plane 203-210
articol de periodic CRISTEA, Mihai (autor) Some properties of interior mapping. Banach-Mazur's theorem 211-214
articol de periodic GABRIEL, Richard (autor) Anziehende H-matrizen die nicht optical sind 215-224
articol de periodic GARCIA, Lafuente (autor) Diametral dimension in Schwartz and nuclear bornologies 225-230
articol de periodic GIORGI, Giorgio (autor) Again on the workability of Leontief systems 231-233
articol de periodic JEFFERIES, Brian (autor) Semicompact functionals 235-252
articol de periodic LARRIEU, Michel (autor) Existence des solutions differentielles de caratheodory sur des ensenbles fermes 253-263
articol de periodic MIHAI, Alexandru (autor) Sur l'existence des connexions analytiques complexes d'ordre superieur 265-268
articol de periodic PU, H.W. (autor) , PU, H.H. (autor) On solutions of the Cauchy's funczional equations 269-271
articol de periodic ZBĂGANU, Gheorghiță (autor) Some remarks concerning the agle between two subspaces of 273-286
articol de periodic TOMESCU, Ioan (autor) Matching Theory - Lovasz L., Plummer M.D. 287-287
articol de periodic GEORGESCU, Adelina (autor) Dynamics of Herarchical Systems. An Evolutionary Approach 287-287
articol de periodic ȘTEFĂNESCU, Gheorghe (autor) Semirings, Automate, Languages - Kuich W., Saloman A. 288-288
articol de periodic GEORGESCU, Adelina (autor) Universal algebra and Latice Theory - Comer S. 288-288
articol de periodic GEORGESCU, Adelina (autor) Models and Sets - Muller C.H., Richter M.M. 289-289
articol de periodic PASCU, Mihai (autor) Schrodinger Operators - Graffi S. 289-289
articol de periodic ȘTEFĂNESCU, Gheorghe (autor) Algebraic Topology - Smith L. 290-290
articol de periodic BUIUM, Alexandru (autor) The Isomonodromic Deformation method in the theory of Pailive Equations 290-290
articol de periodic MIHALACHE, Nicolae (autor) Beginner's Course in Topology. Geometric Chapters 290-290
articol de periodic TIMOTIN, Dan (autor) Topics in Differential and Integral Equations and operators theory - Krein M.C. 291-291
articol de periodic PUTINAR, Mihai (autor) A local spectral theory for closed operaqtors - Erdelyi Ivan, Shegwang Wang 291-291
articol de periodic GEORGESCU, Adelina (autor) Functional Equations: History. Applications and Theory - Aczel J. 291-292
articol de periodic SPIRCU, Tiberiu (autor) Complex Variables - Fisher Stephen 292-292
articol de periodic GEORGESCU, Adelina (autor) Student's Guide to Calculus - Soon Frederich 388-288