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ASSOUYAT, Mansour (autor)
Application de la geometrie symplectique a une classe d'operateurs |
699-704 |
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CARAMAN, Petru (autor)
O-Mappings and generalized local Lipschitz transformations |
705-714 |
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GRABE, Hans-Gert (autor)
On the resolution of monomial curves |
715-719 |
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KLUSCH, Dieter (autor)
A hybrid version of a theorem of Atkinson |
721-728 |
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KOSTYRKO, Pavel (autor)
Symmetric derivatives are uniformly closed |
729-731 |
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LE, Mau (autor)
On Barth-Rossi Theorem for meromorphic maps |
733-736 |
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MYERS, Russell (autor)
Informative color codes for graphs |
737-746 |
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SPĂTARU, Aurel (autor)
Properties of branching processes with denumerably many types |
747-759 |
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ZAHARIA, A. (autor)
Germes de fonctions avec lieu singulier lisse |
761-767 |
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BORCEA, Ciprian (autor)
Euvres - Colected Papers. Vol. I - Borel A. |
769-769 |
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TUCSNAK, Marius (autor)
Mathematical Abalysis of Nonlinear Dynamic Processes - Grusa K.U. |
769-769 |
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GEORGESCU, George (autor)
Lattice-Ordered Groups. An Introduction - Anderson Marlow, Feil Tod |
769-770 |
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PITINAR, Mihai (autor)
Cordes Two-Parameter SpecTRAL Representation Theory - McGhee D.F., Picard R.H. |
770-770 |
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PĂSĂRESCU, Ovidiu (autor)
Spaces Curves - Chione F., Peskine C. |
770-770 |
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BUIUM, Alexandru (autor)
Galois Theory of Alfwebraqic Equations - Tignol J.P. |
770-770 |
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BUIUM, Alexandru (autor)
Deformation Theory of Algebras and Structures and Applications - Hazewinkel M., Gerstenhaber M. |
771-771 |
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PRIPOAE, Gabriel (autor)
Differential Geometry of Frame Bundles - Cordero Luis, Dodson C.T.J. |
771-771 |
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GHIONDEA, Aurelian (autor)
Functional Analysis II - Karepa S., Kraljevic H., Butkovic D. |
771-771 |
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ANGHEL, V.N.P. (autor)
Splitting-up Methodds - Marchuk G.I. |
772-772 |
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IANUȘ, S. (autor)
Geomtries and Groups - Aschbacher M., Cohen A.M., Kantor W.M. |
772-772 |
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TIBĂR, Mihai (autor)
An Introduction to Intersection Hamology Theory - Kirwan Frances |
772-772 |
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BUIUM, Alexandru (autor)
Additive Groups of Rings. Vol. Ii - Feigelstock S. |
772-773 |
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BUIUM, Alexandru (autor)
Derivatives Nuclei and Dimensions on the Frame of Torsion Theories - Golan Jonathan |
773-773 |
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GHEONDEA, Aurelian (autor)
Complex Analysis - Hersch J., Huber A. |
773-773 |
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GHEONDEA, Aurelian (autor)
Matrix Norms and Their Applications - Belinskii G.R., Lynbich Y.I. |
773-774 |
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GHEONDEA, Aurelian (autor)
Discrete Herations . A Metric Study - Robert Francois |
774-774 |
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GEORGESCU, Adelina (autor)
Differential Geometrical Methods in Theoretical Physics - Bleuler K., Werner M. |
774-775 |
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PRIPOAE, Gabriel (autor)
Spaces with Distinguished Geodesics - Bussemann Herbert, Phadke B.B. |
775-775 |
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MANOLACHE, Nicolae (autor)
Quadratic Forms and Hecke Operators - Andrianov A.N. |
775-775 |
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MANOLACHE, Nicolae (autor)
Introduction to Arithmetical Functions - McCarthy P.J. |
776-776 |
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MANOLACHE, Nicolae (autor)
The Enumerative Theory of Conics after Halphen - Cacas-Alvero Eduardo |
776-776 |
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MANOLACHE, Nicolae (autor)
The Higher Calculus: A History of Real and Complex Analysis from Euler to Weirstrass - Bottazini Umberto |
776-776 |
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IOSIFESCU, Marius (autor)
Probability Measures an Groups VIII - Heyer H. |
776-777 |
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POPA, Constantin (autor)
Multiring Methods II - Hachbusch W. |
777-777 |
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GODIDOV, Anda (autor)
Differential Equations. An introduction with Applications - Oksendal B. |
777-778 |
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GEORGESCU, Adelina (autor)
Numerical Methods for Bifurcation Problems - Kupper T., Mirrelmann |
778-778 |