- Subiect: „This study continues an alder research with new data on the traditional shepherding within Reşiţa ethnographic zone, Caraşova micro-zone. The author drove at pointing out how and whether this area proximity to an important industrial center and seat of a county in the same time had marked some elements of the traditional (rural) civilization there. Breeding was his main aim, as scientific and bibliographic references on the Banat shepherding are meager and lacunary. Within Caraşova micro-zone local (familial) shepherding was pointed out in all possible ways, and also the vertical transhumance was put in light. Some of the studied sites show that breeding also serves for fruit tree growing by plum orchards manuring. Supplying their families with dairy products, lambs breeding and trading are the economic aims of the local shepherding. ”
- Limba de redactare: română
- Vezi publicația: Banatica
- Editura: Muzeului Banatului Montan
- Loc publicare: Reşiţa
- Anul publicaţiei: 2014
- Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: 24; nr. în TOM: 2; anul 2014
- Paginaţia: 519-543
- Navigare în nr. revistă: |< < 27 / 47 > >|
- Realizatori:  TĂBAN, Mircea (autor)
- Descriptori:  Banat, Munţii Aninei, păstorit, ROMÂNIA, Mediul rural, cioban, ocupaţie tradiţională, oierit