Condica documentelor moşiei Ivoeşti, de la ţinutul Cârligătura/Iaşi (secolele XVII-XIX)- The documentary of the Ivoeşti Estate, from Cârligătura/ Iaşi Land (XVII-XIX Centuries)

  • Subiect: Fortunately, for the village and estate Ivoeşti from Cârligatura County, later Iaşi, a documentary fund from which we can reconstruct the succession of the ruling boyars from the 17th century to the middle of the 19th century, is still preserved. Donated in 1554, on March 17, by Alexandru Lăpuşneanu to the monastery dedicated to the Holy Prophet Ilie from Suceava, the estate and the village come under the rule of the treasurer Gheorghe Roşca, along with a part of Romăneşti. Later on, they are taken by the former great sword bearers Dediu and Ilie Enache, the last one being one of the founders of the Răchitoasa monastery. From the monastery, the estate and the village return, by exchange, to the lady Aniţa Palade, from the Cantemireşti line, whose descendants will rule until after 1831 – the vornic Constantin Palade and his sister, Smaranda, the hatman Constantin Palade, Scarlat Palade –, Dimitrie Holban, Neculai Istrate, commander of armies Manolache Codrescu, Leonida Mavrodin, the hatman Neculai Alexandru Mavrocordat. From the latter, the village and the estate return, also by exchange, to Doljeşti monastery, which was disolved in 1860.
  • Limba de redactare: română
  • Secţiunea: Istorie modernă şi contemporană / Modern and Contemporary History
  • Vezi publicația: Danubius
  • Editura: Muzeul de Istorie „Paul Păltănea” - GALAŢI
  • Loc publicare: Galati
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2023
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: 40; anul 2023
  • Paginaţia: 67-221
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