Corespondenţa lui Ştefan cel Mare cu statul papal

  • Subiect: During his long reign (1457-1504), Stephen the Great of Moldavia want a free and open country to the future. But his neighbors - the Hungarian and Polish kings or the Ottoman sultans - have often wished that the beautiful and rich country. May through negotiations, in the convincing arguments of the fight, eventually they were quieted. Then, Moldova, the biggest danger became Ottoman military power. Therefore, we must remember the efforts of the papacy and of Stephen the Great for achievement an Ottoman Crusade. Because this great figure of the European Middle Ages is not so easy to understand, and I chose to illustrate the figure through his correspondence with the Papacy, in order to achieve that, apart from collective memory, we know him the great Prince more of the documents and less time in deciphering his words kept the letter. Reading them, we clearly understand that the greatness of his image in history have been nothing nice picture, but is argued by his deeds of bravery. Correspondence of Stephen the Great and Pope Sixtus IV contains 6 important letters, dated as follows: November 29 1474, March 20 1476, March 29 1476, 3 April 1476, April 9 1476 and January 13 1477. They illustrate aspects of domestic and foreign policies during the two personalities and show that Stephen the Great was a Christian conception of political unity against the Turks. Original letters are in Latin, which were translated into Romanian, Italian, Hungarian, Polish and even English. Have been published by several historians (Xenopol, Iorga, Giurescu, Stephen S. Gorovei etc..), But the best they appear in the paper "The Vatican archives" of IC Filitti and two editions of the book "Monument Romaniae Vaticana" of Professor John Dumitriu-Snagov. Therefore, the correspondence of Stephen the Great Papal State materialize a historical investigation, by which Stephen the Great appears as a human face synthesis with elegance and charm. Only through this approach, we can understand why the Prince of Moldavia had in writing a robust presence, conscious, heroic, a coherent vision. Only so could he create a new world that has learned to listen, to always be with him and by his personal example of the format characters and managed to remain forever in the minds and hearts of its survivors.
  • Limba de redactare: română
  • Vezi publicația: Acta Musei Tutovensis: ActaMT
  • Editura: Demiurg
  • Loc publicare: Bârlad
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2010
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: V; anul 2010
  • Paginaţia: 225-230
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