Un mormînt cu arme de la cumpîna secolelor IV-V P. Chr. Descoperit la Tîrguşoru Vechi

  • Subiect: The necropolis of Târgşoru Vechi, part of the Archaeological Reserve is located in the sub-Carpathian Wallachia, the area of contact between the sub-Carpathian hills and the plain of Wallachia, approximately 10 km west-south-west of the town of Ploieşti Among the 470 funerary complexes excavated here during the last decades, 40 burial tombs were ascribed, according to their inventory and stratigraphic position, to a Sarmatic presence, chronologically placed towards the middle of the 3th century p. Chr. Gheorghe Diaconu assigns this presence to an early branch of the Alani Sarmatians. Among the 430 tombs of the Sântana de Mureş – Cerneahov-type bi-ritual necropolis excavated to the present date, 235 are burial tombs and 195 cremation tombs. No too detailed considerations on the multitude of problems raised by the bi-ritual necropolis of Târgsor will be made, because it is not the object of this report, but strict reference will be made to the unusual presence of the burial funerary complex placed towards the northern end of the necropolis. Tomb 444 of the necropolis of Târgşor is the only burial tomb where weapons were deposited. The dead body was deposited in a 2,20 x 0,70 m rectangular pit, along the north-south direction. The skeleton was found in decubitus dorsal, with the head oriented towards the north and the lower limbs towards the south.The arms were positioned along the body, while the legs were straight. To be noticed the depth of the pit, 2,45 m, which clearly exceeds the average depth of the other tomb pits of the necropolis, between 1,50 and 1,70 m. Several objects were found in the pit, some being deposited as offerings, while others were obvoiusly clothes accessories. They belong to the folowing categories: ceramics, metallic objects, glass objects and gems. It should not be considered unimportant the remark that within this cultural horizon characterized by the presence of weapons in funerary complexes and chronologically placed between the second half of the 4th century and the beginning of the 5th century p. Chr., two aspects have become conspicuous: one is defined by the Pietroasa-Drăgăneşti-Micia-Chilieni-type discoveries, the other one is characterised by the joint presence of the sword and scramasax in the funerary complexes. This latter funerary habit was possibly circulated by the Alani Sarmatians, drawn by the great Huns’ migration from the north-pontic steppes to Central Europe. The constant presence of the sword pendants in the funeray complexes under discussion can bring us to the same conclusion. The sword pendants, initially documented with the Alani Sarmations between the Volga and the north-pontic steppes, are frequently present later on the Danube, in the Carpathians and in Central Europe.
  • Limba de redactare: română
  • Vezi publicația: Acta Musei Tutovensis: ActaMT
  • Editura: Demiurg
  • Loc publicare: Bârlad
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2010
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: V; anul 2010
  • Paginaţia: 154-165
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