Semnificaţii ale informaţiilor de istorie universală incluse în istoriografia umanistă din ţările române

  • Subiect: The study “Meaning of the information of universal history included in the humanist historiography from Romania” is made on the base of the critical and compared analysis of the texts of the main historical writings belonging to the humanist scholars Grigore Ureche, Miron Costin, Nicolae Costin, Stolnicul Constantin Cantacuzino and Dimitrie Cantemir, whose works also present clear openings to “The Enlightenment”. First, I specify the major marks that outline the social - political and cultural area of the emergence of the humanistic historical writings in Romanian. On the sociopolitical plan, the seventeenth century was the period of full affirmation of the nobility regime, where the political power was monopolized by a few big boyar families whose commercial and political ties encouraged cultural openings towards Europe. The representatives of the Romanian humanism belong to this new aristocracy, whose interests are expressed in their works. Starting from the idea of the Latin origin, they tried to give to the Romanians the rightful place in the civilized and Christian Europe, which imprinted a strong militant feature on the Romanian humanism. I identified three trends that occur in connection with the receiving of the universal history information in the historical writings of the Romanian humanists, illustrated with numerous examples taken from the analyzed texts. The first trend is represented by the extension of the temporal dimension of the historical horizon, addressing to the ancient history, where the principal place is occupied by the Roman Empire. The second trend is that there is a considerable broadening of the historical and geographical horizon in the texts devoted to the contemporary period when the Romanian humanists lived and wrote, by the interest for the ethnic, historical and geographical descriptions related to the neighboring nations. Thus, it is achieved, for the first time, an integration of local history in the universal history. The third trend is the new perspective from which information about the relations of Romania with the Ottoman Empire is presented, that are diversified, detailed and acquire new dimensions. The conclusion of the study is that the humanist historical writings, the information of the universal history acquired new meanings, which approach them to the modern historical science.
  • Limba de redactare: română, engleză
  • Secţiunea: Istorie
  • Vezi publicația: Buridava - Studii şi Materiale: Buridava
  • Editura: Offsetcolor
  • Loc publicare: Râmnicu Vâlcea
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2010
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: VIII; anul 2010
  • Paginaţia: 169-182
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