- Subiect: Memorial house “Vasile Voiculescu” Vasile Voiculescu is well known throughout Romanian literature for his poems, plays, novels and short stories. The writer was born in Parscov, Buzau county, where one can visit today his memorial house, renovated following its initial old structure. Here we can admire personal objects of the writer, documents and books, photographs. Every year a cultural event (Vasile Voiculescu Days) is hosted here to commemorate his life and works. A tour of the memorial house takes the visitor on a journey with insights into Vasile Voiculescu's life experience and cultural activity.
- Limba de redactare: română
- Secţiunea: Istorie
- Vezi publicația: Analele Buzăului
- Editura: Muzeul Judeţean Buzău
- Loc publicare: Buzău
- Anul publicaţiei: 2013
- Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: V
- Paginaţia: 263-270
- Navigare în nr. revistă: |< < 14 / 20 > >|