articol de periodic |
2013 |
Dacia - Revue d'archéologie et d'histoire ancienne, 57, seria nouă |
VITALIE, Bârcă (autor)
Nomads of the Steppes on the Danube Frontier of the Roman Empire in the 1st Century CE. Historical Sketch and Chronological Remarks |
Études |
99-126 |
engleză |
articol de periodic |
2013 |
Dacia - Revue d'archéologie et d'histoire ancienne, 57, seria nouă |
SORIN, Cociș (autor)
VITALIE, Bârcă (autor)
The Workshops and Production of “Sarmatian” Brooches (Almgren Group VII, Series I) |
Notes et discussions |
161-176 |
engleză |
articol de periodic |
2014 |
Dacia - Revue d'archéologie et d'histoire ancienne, 58, seria nouă |
SORIN, Cociș (autor)
VITALIE, Bârcă (autor)
The “Sarmatian” brooches (headknob and full catchplate variant, Almgren Group VII, Series I) in the Dacia province and the Barbarian environment of the Tisza
River Basin |
Notes et discussions |
189-214 |
engleză |
articol de periodic |
2014 |
Dacia - Revue d'archéologie et d'histoire ancienne, 58, seria nouă |
VITALIE, Bârcă (autor)
A. V. Simonenko, Rimskij import u sarmatov Severnogo Prichernomor’ya [Roman Import for the Sarmatians of North Pontic Region], St. Petersburg State University, Faculty of Philology – Nestor Historia, St.- Petersburg, 2011, 271 p., 117 fig. |
Comptes rendus |
349-357 |
engleză |
articol de periodic |
1999 |
Thraco-Dacica, XX, nr. 1-2 |
VITALIE, Bârcă (autor)
Considerations concernant les monnaies du 3rd siecle ap. J.-Chr. a Tyras |
Numismatică |
382 |
franceză |
articol de periodic |
2002 |
Thraco-Dacica, XXIII, nr. 1-2 |
VITALIE, Bârcă (autor)
Einige Betrachtungen betreffend einem Fund von Bubueci (Fundumstände, Forschungsgeschichte, Datierung und ethnische Zuschreibung) |
Arheologie |
230 |
germană |