Criterii căutate

Sumarul căutării

  • 6 articole
Tip Anul Publicație și Volum/Nr. Realizatori Titlul articolui Secțiunea Pagina Limba
articol de periodic 2011 Romanian Journal of Physics, 56 GROZA, A. (autor) , SURMEIAN, A. (autor) , DIPLASU, C. (autor) , VINTELER, D. (autor) , GANCIU, M. (autor) Modelling of the processes involved in the temporal evolution of the Arv Metastable Atoms density in the Afterglow of High voltage pulsed discharges 83-89
articol de periodic 2011 Romanian Journal of Physics, 56 SURMEIAN, A. (autor) , DIPLASU, C. (autor) , GROZA, A. (autor) , CHAPON, P. (autor) , TEMPEZ, A. (autor) , GANGIU, M. (autor) Ionization and excitation processes in Analytical plasma of GDOES and GDMS systems Working in pulsed RF Regime 114-119
articol de periodic 2016 Romanian Journal of Physics, 61-3-4 GROZA, A. (autor) , SURMEIAN, A. (autor) , DIPLAȘU, C. (autor) , NEGRILĂ, C. (autor) , MIHALCEA, Bogdan (autor) , GANCIU, M. (autor) Infrared and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy in surface characterization of polydimethylsiloxane thin films generated on metallic substrates in multipoints to plane corona discharges 548-656
articol de periodic 2008 Romanian Reports in Physics, 60-3 GROZA, A. (autor) , SURMEIAN, A. (autor) , DIPLAȘU, C. (autor) , GANCIU, M. (autor) Evidence of nitrigen ions in organic and anorganic polymer layers generated in discharges at atmospheric pressure 603-607
articol de periodic 2008 Romanian Reports in Physics, 60-3 SURMEIAN, A. (autor) , DIPLAȘU, C. (autor) , GROZA, A. (autor) , GANCIU, M. (autor) Ionization mechanism of sputtered atoms in analytical GDMS system operation 609-614
articol de periodic 2013 Romanian Reports in Physics, 65-3 SURMEJAN, A. (autor) , GROZA, A. (autor) , DIPLASU, C. (autor) , ATANASIU, C. (autor) , POPESCU, A. (autor) , SAVASTRU, D. (autor) , GANCIU, M. (autor) The gas temperature determination in the plșused hollow cathode discharge 869-877