Criterii căutate

Sumarul căutării

  • 38 de articole
Tip Anul Publicație și Volum/Nr. Realizatori Titlul articolui Secțiunea Pagina Limba
articol de periodic 1992 Romanian Journal of Physics, 37-2 MIREA, Mihail (autor) Action integral minimization in three fission modes of 234U 151-159
articol de periodic 1993 Romanian Journal of Physics, 38-1 MIREA, Mihail (autor) , POENARU, Dorin (autor) , MIREA, Doina (autor) Two-center shell model with mass-asymmetry and necking-in 71-86
articol de periodic 1994 Romanian Journal of Physics, 39-5-6 MIREA, Mihail (autor) Cold fission paths as function of necking for thee decay-modes 411-421
articol de periodic 1996 Romanian Journal of Physics, 41-5-6 MIREA, Mihail (autor) Energy levels for spontaneous heavy ion emission 339-361
articol de periodic 1996 Romanian Journal of Physics, 41-7-8 MIREA, Mihail (autor) Estimations des temps de vie pour trois types de processus de desintegration nucleaire du noyau 238Pu 495-514
articol de periodic 1997 Romanian Journal of Physics, 42-7-8 MIREA, Mihail (autor) , POPOVICI, Gelu (autor) Fine structure for 14C decay 461-469
articol de periodic 1998 Romanian Journal of Physics, 43-1-2 MIREA, Mihail (autor) Fine structure in 14C decay of 225Ac 33-39
articol de periodic 1999 Romanian Journal of Physics, 44-3-4 MIREA, Mihail (autor) , BENFOUGHAL, T. (autor) Surface diffusivity effect in nuclear fission 383-391
articol de periodic 2000 Romanian Journal of Physics, 45-3-4 MIREA, Mihail (autor) Single-particle effects in the fine structure of suprasymmetric fission 191-194
articol de periodic 2000 Romanian Journal of Physics, 45-7-8 MIREA, Mihail (autor) , CLAPIER, F. (autor) Optimal deuteron energy for a neutron rich radioactive ion beam 547-560
articol de periodic 2001 Romanian Journal of Physics, 46-1-2 MIREA, Mihail (autor) Fine Structure of 211Po Alpha Decay 47-52
articol de periodic 2001 Romanian Journal of Physics, 46-5-6 MIREA, Mihail (autor) , CARTAȘ, V. (autor) Qualitative and quantitative description of fission 383-398
articol de periodic 2002 Romanian Journal of Physics, 47-1-2 MIREA, Mihail (autor) Shell effects in the superasymetric fission 167-176
articol de periodic 2002 Romanian Journal of Physics, 47-7-8 BAJEAT, O. (autor) , MIREA, Mihail (autor) Modelling a neutron rich source target based on photo-fission 725-739
articol de periodic 2002 Romanian Journal of Physics, 47-9-10 MIREA, Mihail (autor) Single particle effects in superfluid nuclear systems 859-866
articol de periodic 2005 Romanian Journal of Physics, 50-5-6 MIREA, Mihail (autor) , STOICA, P. (autor) Investigation of the effect produced by the effective mass and the dissipation in the fission cross-section 517-531
articol de periodic 2007 Romanian Journal of Physics, 52-1-2 MIREA, Mihail (autor) , BOBULESCU, R. (autor) , PETRESCU, E. (autor) Realistic spin-orbot operators for the supersymetric two-center shell model 15-29
articol de periodic 2007 Romanian Journal of Physics, 52-1-2 MIREA, Mihail (autor) Generalisation of TDHFB equations by including the Landau-Zener effect 31-42
articol de periodic 2009 Romanian Journal of Physics, 54-3-4 MIREA, Mihail (autor) , TASSAN-GOT, L. (autor) Adiabatic 236U fission barrier in the frame of the two-center Woods-Saxon model 331-340
articol de periodic 2009 Romanian Journal of Physics, 54-5-6 MIREA, Mihail (autor) Landau-Zener effect generalized for superfluid systems 501-513
articol de periodic 2010 Romanian Journal of Physics, 55-3-4 MIREA, Mihail (autor) , DELION, D. (autor) , SĂNDULESCU, Aureliu (autor) Microscopic description of 252Cf cold fission yields 309-323
articol de periodic 2010 Romanian Journal of Physics, 55-7-8 PETRE, M. (autor) , BOBULESCU, R. (autor) , PETRE, C. (autor) , MIREA, Mihail (autor) Cranking inertia in the frame of the Woods-Saxon two center shell model 741-749
articol de periodic 2011 Romanian Journal of Physics, 56-1-2 COMPANIS, I. (autor) , MIREA, Mihail (autor) , ISBĂȘESCU, A. (autor) Scission configurations for the 236Np fission 63-70
articol de periodic 2012 Romanian Journal of Physics, 57-1-2 MIREA, Mihail (autor) Superasymetric fission valley in the 238Pu potential lanscape 372-379
articol de periodic 2013 Romanian Journal of Physics, 58-7-8 MICU, Andrei (autor) , MIREA, Mihail (autor) Potential energy landscape for 180Hg 939-946
articol de periodic 2013 Romanian Journal of Physics, 58-9-10 SĂNDULESCU, Aureliu (autor) , MIREA, Mihail (autor) Cold fusion synthesis of Z=116 superheavy element 1148-1156
articol de periodic 2015 Romanian Journal of Physics, 60-1-2 MIREA, Mihail (autor) Momentum of inertia for the 240 Pu alpha decay 156-160
articol de periodic 1995 Romanian Reports in Physics, 47-6-7 MIREA, Mihail (autor) Developments of microscopic-macroscopic models for fission processes with very large mass asymetries 655-675
articol de periodic 1998 Romanian Reports in Physics, 50-5-6 POPOVICI, G. (autor) , MIREA, Mihail (autor) , GAȘPAR, Emilian (autor) Werner-Wheeler inertial parameters in a tridimensional configuration space 313-
articol de periodic 2003 Romanian Reports in Physics, 55-4 MIREA, Mihail (autor) , GROZA, L. (autor) , APOSTOL, M. (autor) , GANCIU, M. (autor) Energy loss and straggling of electrons 396-
articol de periodic 2007 Romanian Reports in Physics, 59-2 MIREA, Mihail (autor) Two center shell model with Wood-Saxon potentials 523-
articol de periodic 2009 Romanian Reports in Physics, 61-4 MIREA, Mihail (autor) , BOBULESCU, R. (autor) , PETRE, M. (autor) Inetia for two-center nuclear spahe parametrizations 646-655
articol de periodic 2011 Romanian Reports in Physics, 63-3 MIREA, Mihail (autor) Nicroscopic treatments of fission inertia eithin the wood-saxon two center shell model 676-684
articol de periodic 2013 Romanian Reports in Physics, 65-3 SĂNDULESCU, Aureliu (autor) , MIREA, Mihail (autor) A mollecular state in the 14C-emission from 222Ra 688-692
articol de periodic 2014 Romanian Reports in Physics, 66-2 PAHOMI, T. (autor) , NEACȘU, A. (autor) , MIREA, Mihail (autor) , STOICA, S. (autor) Phase space calculations for beta-beta- decays to final excited 2 1+ states 370-375
articol de periodic 1989 Studii și Cercetări de Fizică, 41-7 CÎTA, Irina (autor) , IVAȘCU, Marin (autor) , MAZILU, D. (autor) , MIREA, Mihail (autor) , POENARU, Dorin (autor) , DEPTA, K. (autor) , GREINER, W. (autor) , MARUHN, J.A. (autor) , RENNER, W. (autor) Tensorul masei efective funcție de alungire, construcție și asimetria fragmentelor 675-685
articol de periodic 1990 Studii și Cercetări de Fizică, 42-8-10 MIREA, Mihail (autor) , MAZILU, D. (autor) , CÎTA, I. (autor) , IVAȘCU, Marius (autor) , POENARU, Dorin (autor) , DEPTA, K. (autor) , GREINER, W. (autor) Studiul traiectorilor de fisiunea a 234U în spațiul configurațiilor 737-746
articol de periodic 1991 Studii și Cercetări de Fizică, 43-7-8 POENARU, Dorin (autor) , CÎTA, I. (autor) , GHEORGHIU, R. (autor) , GREINER, W. (autor) , IVAȘCU, Marin (autor) , MAZILU, D. (autor) , MIREA, Mihail (autor) Emisia spontană de fragmente din nuclee supragrele și nuclee mult depărtate de linia de stabilitate beta 371-383