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Sumarul căutării

  • 25 de articole
Tip Anul Publicație și Volum/Nr. Realizatori Titlul articolui Secțiunea Pagina Limba
articol de periodic 1975 Revue Roumaine de Physique, 20-6 STIHI, M. (autor) , VIȘINESCU, Anca (autor) P-ware unitarized pipi scattering amplitude with Venetiano and Pomeron imput 585-592
articol de periodic 1976 Revue Roumaine de Physique, 21-7 CORCIOVEI, Aretin (autor) , VIȘINESCU, Anca (autor) Difference equations in axial hyperchanneling theory 705-712
articol de periodic 1977 Revue Roumaine de Physique, 22-6 CORCIOVEI, Aretin (autor) , VIȘINESCU, Anca (autor) , VIȘINESCU, Mihai (autor) Planar channeling and blocking profile by transfer matrix method 591-600
articol de periodic 1977 Revue Roumaine de Physique, 22-8 VIȘINESCU, Anca (autor) Calculation of blocking profile for pritons in gold 893-894
articol de periodic 1984 Revue Roumaine de Physique, 29-10 CROITORU, M. (autor) , GRECU, D. (autor) , VIȘINESCU, Anca (autor) , CIONGA, V. (autor) On the thermodynamics of one-dimensional kink bearing scar fields in the low-temperature 853-882
articol de periodic 1990 Revue Roumaine de Physique, 35-1 GRECU, D. (autor) , VIȘINESCU, Anca (autor) Multi-kink contributions to the free energy of nonlinear one-dimensional scalar fields .3-12
articol de periodic 1991 Revue Roumaine de Physique, 36-1-2 GRECU, D. (autor) , VIȘINESCU, Anca (autor) Temperature corrections to the free energy of non-linear kink bearing scalar filds in the low temperature limit 45-63
articol de periodic 1992 Romanian Journal of Physics, 37-9 VIȘINESCU, Anca (autor) Kink-kink contrinutions to the free energy of nonlinear complex-scalsr field 879-887
articol de periodic 2000 Romanian Journal of Physics, 45-3-4 CÎRSTEA, Adrian (autor) , GRECU, Dan (autor) , VIȘINESCU, Anca (autor) Multiple scales and bilinear aproach for 1-D nomlinear nonlinear latices 301-307
articol de periodic 2002 Romanian Journal of Physics, 47-3-4 VIȘINESCU, Anca (autor) , GRECU, Dan (autor) , CÎRSTEA, Adrian (autor) Solitonic model for energy stransport in quasi-I-D biological systems 509-518
articol de periodic 2003 Romanian Journal of Physics, 48-5-6 VIȘINESCU, Anca (autor) , GRECU, Dan (autor) Foreword - Proceedings of the First National Romanian Conference on Theoretical Phisics 521-521
articol de periodic 2003 Romanian Journal of Physics, 48-5-6 GRECU, D. (autor) , VIȘINESCU, Anca (autor) Influence of third order dispersion on the bound state of two solitons of the NLS equation 669-678
articol de periodic 2003 Romanian Journal of Physics, 48-5-6 VIȘINESCU, Anca (autor) , GRECU, Dan (autor) Randomness effects on modulational instability of a discrete selof-trapping equation 787-794
articol de periodic 2005 Romanian Journal of Physics, 50-1-2 GRECU, Anca (autor) , GRECU, D. (autor) , VIȘINESCU, Anca (autor) Deterministic and statistical approach of modulational instability in the class of non-linear Schrodinger equations 127-135
articol de periodic 2005 Romanian Journal of Physics, 50-1-2 GRECU, D. (autor) , VIȘINESCU, Anca (autor) Modulational instability of coupled nonlinear equations. Manakov's system 137-146
articol de periodic 2005 Romanian Journal of Physics, 50-3-4 VIȘINESCU, Anca (autor) , GRECU, Dan (autor) Solitary waves in 2-D "zig-zag" model of coupled chains. Acoustical sector 365-375
articol de periodic 2010 Romanian Journal of Physics, 55-5-6 GRECU, D. (autor) , VIȘINESCU, Anca (autor) , FEDELE, R. (autor) , DE, Nicola (autor) Periodic and stationary wave solutions of coupled NLS equations 585-600
articol de periodic 2010 Romanian Journal of Physics, 55-9-10 GRECU, D. (autor) , FEDERE, R. (autor) , DE, Nicola (autor) , GRECU, T. (autor) , VIȘINESCU, Anca (autor) Periodic and solitary wave solutions of generalized nonlinear Schrodinger equation using a madelung fluid description 980-994
articol de periodic 2012 Romanian Journal of Physics, 57-1-2 GRECU, D. (autor) , GRECU, A. (autor) , VIȘINESCU, Anca (autor) Madelung fluid description of a coupled system of derivative NLS equations 180-191
articol de periodic 2012 Romanian Journal of Physics, 57-5-6 VIȘINESCU, Anca (autor) , VIȘINESCU, Mihai (autor) Killing-Yano tensors of rank three and lax pair tensors 1002-1010
articol de periodic 2016 Romanian Journal of Physics, 61-1-2 GRECU, D. (autor) , CÎRSTEA, A. (autor) , GRECU, A. (autor) , VIȘINESCU, Anca (autor) Statistical aproach modulation instability in the class of LSL equations 124-134
articol de periodic 2003 Romanian Reports in Physics, 55-4 GRECU, D. (autor) , VIȘINESCU, Anca (autor) High order disperssion effects on the modulational instabilioty of NLS type equations 444-
articol de periodic 2005 Romanian Reports in Physics, 57-4 GRECU, D. (autor) , VIȘINESCU, Anca (autor) On a special class of periodic solutions of the nonlinear Schrodinger equation 553-559
articol de periodic 2007 Romanian Reports in Physics, 59-2 GRECU, D. (autor) , CÎRSTEA, A. (autor) , GRECU, A. (autor) , VIȘINESCU, Anca (autor) Mathematical modelling of tumor grouth 447-
articol de periodic 2009 Romanian Reports in Physics, 61-3 GRECU, A. (autor) , GRECU, D. (autor) , VIȘINESCU, Anca (autor) Statistical approach of modulational instability in cylindrical/spherical NLS equation 467-477