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PUTINAR, Mihai (autor)
Probabilistic and Statistical Aspects of Quantum Theory - Holevo A.S. |
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BASARAB, Șerban (autor)
Definite functions on algebraic varieties over ordered fields |
527-535 |
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BEHRENDS, Ehrhard (autor)
M-complements of M-ideals |
537-542 |
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DENITEZ, Carlos (autor)
DEL, Rio (autor)
Characterization of inner product spaces through rectangle and square inegualities |
543-546 |
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CARBONARO, Bruno (autor)
Nota sui teoremi di unicita per le soluzioni dell'equazione di Navier-Stokes in domini non limitati |
547-559 |
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LAZĂR, Dragoș (autor)
Fundamerntal solution of equations in the unsteady motion of micropolar fluids in the stokes approximation in a particular case |
561-565 |
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EENIGENBURG, Paul (autor)
MILLER, Sanford (autor)
MOCANU, Petru (autor)
READE, Maxwell (autor)
On a Briot-Bouquet differential subordination |
567-573 |
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FRUNZĂ, Monica (autor)
FRUNZĂ, Ștefan (autor)
La quasi-conformite des inversions dans un espace norme |
575-579 |
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On some multivariate distributions |
581-588 |
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PRIPOAE, Gabriel (autor)
Sur les courbes de Tzitzeica |
589-591 |
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ȘTEFĂNESCU, Anton (autor)
ȘTEFĂNESCU, Maria (autor)
The arbitrated solutions for multi-objective convex programming |
593-598 |
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TUDOR, Constantin (autor)
On the martingale problem in abstract Wiener Space |
599-617 |
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YOST, David (autor)
Semi-M-ideals in complex Banach spaces |
619-623 |
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STANOMIR, D. (autor)
Les Methodes Tensorielles de la Physique - Winogradzki J. |
625-626 |
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ȘTEFĂNESCU, Doru (autor)
Seminar D. Eisenbud, S. Singh, W. Vogel . Vol II |
626-627 |
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GOLOGAN, Radu (autor)
Classification Problems in Ergodic Theory - Parry W., Tuncel S. |
627-627 |
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GEORGESCU, Adelina (autor)
Geometric theory of semilinear parabolic equations - Henry D. |
627-628 |
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GEORGESCU, Adelina (autor)
Extremum Problems for Bounded Univalent Functions II - Tammi C. |
628-628 |
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POP, Horia (autor)
The Trace Formula and Base Change for GL(3) |
628-628 |
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GEORGESCU, Adelina (autor)
Theory and Applications of Singular Perturbations |
628-628 |
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POP, Horia (autor)
Representations of Algebras |
628-629 |
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BĂDESCU, Lucian (autor)
Algebraic Threefolds - Conte A. |
629-629 |
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PASCU, Eugen (autor)
Complex Analysis - Eells J. |
629-629 |
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GEORGESCU, Adelina (autor)
Iterative Solution of Nonlinear systems of equations |
629-630 |
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TIBA, Dan (autor)
Differential Systems Involving Impulses - Pandit S.G., Deo S.G. |
630-630 |
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GEORGESCU, Adelina (autor)
Ordinary and Partial differential Equations |
630-631 |
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TIBA, Dan (autor)
Topics in Numerical Analysis |
631-631 |
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POPESCU, Angel (autor)
Algebraic K-Theory |
631-631 |
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GEORGESCU, Angelina (autor)
Numerical Integration of Differential Equations and Large Linear Systems |
631-632 |
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BĂRCĂNESCU, Ș. (autor)
Combinatorial Theory |
632-632 |
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VASILESCU, F.H. (autor)
A Short Introduction to Perturbation theory for Linear operators - Kato Tosio |
632-633 |
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GEORGESCU, Adelina (autor)
Methods of Bifurcation Theory - Sgui-Nee Xhow, Hale Jack |
633-633 |
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POPESCU, Nicolae (autor)
Lectures on p-Adic Differential Equations - Dwork Bernard |
633-633 |
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ZBĂGANU, G. (autor)
Stochastic Calculus and applications - Elliott Robert |
633-634 |
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POPESCU, Nicolae (autor)
Elementary Theory of metric spaces. A course in constructing mathematical Proofs - Reisel Robert |
634-634 |
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POPESCU, Nicolae (autor)
Cohomology of Groups - Brown Kenneth |
634-634 |
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BĂRCĂNESCU, Ș. (autor)
The Geometric Vein. The Coxeter Festschrifl - Davis C., Grunbaum B., Sherk F.A. |
635-635 |
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GEORGESCU, Adelina (autor)
Neyman - From Life - Reid Constance |
635-635 |