articol de periodic |
1993 |
Banatica, 12, nr. 1 |
JEVTIC, Milos (autor)
On tools for ornemantation of the pottery in the Basarabi Culture |
113-128 |
română |
articol de carte |
2001 |
Cernavodă III - Boleráz. Ein Vorgeschichtliches Phänomen zwischen dem Oberrhein und der Unteren Donau, Symposium Mangalia / Neptun (18.-24. Oktober 1999), seria Studia Danubiana. Series Symposia II |
JEVTIC, Milos (autor)
On the Stratigraphy of Cernavodă III-Boleráz Finds from the Djerdap Area |
330-341 |
engleză |
articol de carte |
1996 |
Der Basarabi-Komplex in Mittel- und Sudosteuropa, nr. 1 |
JEVTIC, Milos (autor)
On the genesis and periodisation of the Basarabi Culture in Serbia |
53-66 |
engleză |
articol de periodic |
1998 |
Le Djerdap / Les Portes de Fer a la deuxieme moitie du premier millenaire av. J. Ch. jusqu'aux guerres daciques. Kolloquium in Kladovo - Drobeta-Turnu Severn (September-October 1998), seria Jugoslawisch-rumănische Kommission fur die Erforschung der Region des
Eisernen Tores III |
JEVTIC, Milos (autor)
SLADIC, Miodrag (autor)
Some Stratigraphic Issues of the Iron Age Settlement at Zidovar |
94-100 |
engleză |
articol de periodic |
2013 |
Mousaios, XVIII, Bronze and Iron Age Graves from Eurasia - Gender between Archaeology and Anthropology. Proceedings of the 13th International Colloquium of Funerary Archaeology, Buzău-Romania, 17th-21st October 2012 |
JEVTIC, Milos (autor)
Some remarks on sex determination in the Central Balkans Late Bronze Age necropoles with cremation burials |
153-172 |
engleză |
articol de periodic |
2000 |
Tibiscum, X, Studii și Comunicări de Etnografie-Istorie. Volum omagial dedicat memoriei lui Marian Gumă, coleg și prieten, seria Etnografie-Istorie |
JEVTIC, Milos (autor)
VUKMANOVIC, Mirjana (autor)
Verbicioara Culture and Crvenka-Cornești finds in the Serbian Danube Basin |
II. Arheologie I. Preistorie - Protoistorie |
237-254 |
engleză |